broom cupboards

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November 7th, 1976


It had been four days since the kiss and Sirius's head was still fuzzy. Adelaide Tanelter had always been absolutely intoxicating but now he was addicted. He had gotten a small taste and now it was all he craved. Sirius found himself constantly having to push away intrusive thoughts that were less than holy involving the blonde beauty.

The two hadn't addressed the kiss or what it meant but had a silent agreement that neither of them regretted it. Sirius was well aware he wasn't the best at discussing his feelings and also knew Adelaide was even worse. If he wanted to talk about what had happened he would have to bring it up first. The thought terrified him so he had settled for pretending that he wasn't constantly thinking about how he made out with the girl he's been hooked on since he was eleven in a dimly lit hallway of a bar on their birthday. 

That being said Sirius was dying on the inside. 

The boy was walking down the hallway with the rest of the male marauders on their way to Charms when Marlene had come running up to them. 

"You alright there McKinnon?" James said as he chuckled at the very out-of-breath girl that now stood in front of the three boys.

"Shut it window face I'm not here for you," the brunette spit at the now slightly offended boy. "I'm here for this dumbass," she said pointing to Sirius.

"I swear it wasn't me that put the duck in your shower-" Sirius began before the girl cut him off.

"No, I'm here because Adie- wait did you say duck in our shower?"

Sirius chuckled nervously as he scratched behind his neck, "Definitely not, what about Adie?"

"Oh right... well, next weekend is Hogsmeade right?" The boy nodded at her words. "Okay, so Nico Rener is planning on asking Ads to go as his date. You can't let that happen, she may not like the boy as anything more than a friend but she does enjoy his company enough that there is a possibility she'd say yes."

Sirius suddenly had an itching to punch something while James and Remus looked at him nervously. 

"You finally get somewhere after five years so you can't risk anything messing this up as you're finally progressing even if it's slow as shit." Sirius raised an eyebrow questioningly as the girl rolled her eyes dramatically. "Obviously she told us about your kiss, just as I assume you told the boys."

She told the girls about the kiss. It had to mean something to her. 

"Please just pull your head out of your ass and make a move already." Marlene was exhausted as Remus snorted at her words. Sirius paled at the thought of asking Adelaide out causing McKinnon to sigh in frustration, "or if that is so complicated, just make sure he can't ask her. He was saying he was going to ask her before Charms. So seeing as you're already going to be there it really shouldn't be that difficult. Now if you don't mind I have to go kick Macdonald's ass in a duel. See you later fuck heads," and with that Marlene ran off towards DADA. 

Sirius groaned before turning towards his two friends, "Shit... what do I do?" 

"I don't know but you better think fast because here she comes," Remus answered

"Looks like Nico is already making his move," Peter added frantically. 

The boys looked over as Adelaide rounded the corner only to be stopped by the sandy-haired boy they had all grown to dislike. 

"I have a plan, Pads get ready to swoop in and grab Whiskers," James shared a look with Peter, as Remus groaned. Suddenly James threw his back down to the floor with a loud thud before drawing his wand and pointing it at Peter, "I've had enough of your shit Pettigrew! How dare you talk about my Lily-Flower like that!" 

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