code turquoise

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*TW for abuse - continue with caution*

November 17th, 1976


Adelaide and Mary walked into the common room after their study session and instantly the blonde wanted to hit her head on the wall. She was already annoyed as she could feel a cold coming on but the sight in front of her had her itching to throw a hex, even if she felt weak.

The rest of the marauders and her dorm mates were spread out around the seating area. Remus had his nose tucked into a book as he sat in a chair with Peter sitting on the floor by his feet playing Marlene in a game of wizard chess. James was seated on the ground next to them looking up at Lily, who had placed herself on a two-seater couch, and holding an actual conversation with the girl. Adie suspected it was because her friend was rather confused as to why the messy-haired boy hadn't decided to sit next to her on the sofa instead of taking the floor. Normally the sight of her friends getting along would warm her heart but she was too focused on a certain black-haired boy that was a seat over from Lily and completely surrounded by girls.

Adelaide was used to this. She never let his fan club bother her. Yes, the blonde was quite used to girls throwing themselves at the boy. It had been a common occurrence since their third year. So why should it bother her? Suddenly, a high-pitched and very forced-sounding giggle came from the brunette to his left.

Now, while she might be used to it but that didn't mean she liked it.

Adelaide walked towards the group with Mary at her side. She watched the group of fifth-year Gryffindor girls shamelessly flirt with Sirius, they twirled their hair, giggling loudly at nothing in particular, flirtatiously shoving his shoulders slightly. The boy in question didn't entertain any of the girls past flashing them a smile here or there.

Mary made a beeline for the open spot next to Lily catching the group's attention. Sirius looked up to see Adelaide approaching and instantly all his attention was on her. His fan club seemed to realize this as they desperately tried to regain the little attention they had.

"Mon cœur, how was the library?" Sirius asked. He sat up straight and patted the armrest of his chair, motioning for her to join him.

"It went well, Mary is a splendid runes tutor as my previous one deemed me too difficult," the witch replied as she shot Remus a playful glare. The werewolf replied with a middle finger, his eyes never leaving his book. Adelaide shook her head and laughed softly.

"Come sit, tell me about the rest of your day," the boy replied causing the girls around him to groan and begin retreating back to their dorms, not that he even noticed.

Adelaide smiled at him as she watched the girls leave, "I'd love to but I'm feeling a bit under the weather, so I'm just going to change out of my robes and lay down for a bit."

The comment about her health caught the attention of the rest of the group. Adelaide had only ever been sick once before, back in their second year, and it had gotten so bad that she ended up in the hospital wing for five days. To say the idea of her being sick again worried her friends was an understatement.

*Flashback to Second Year*

Four Gryffindor boys came sprinting into the hospital wing, all red-faced and out of breath. The group was led by a messy-haired boy with glasses that were slipping down his nose who was visibly in a state of panic.


Madam Pomfrey rushed over to the four disruptive second years and shushed them aggressively. "Boys this is an infirmary, people are trying to rest."

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