My little pony and the bells🎠

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O The quartet arrives at the training grounds and waited for Kakashi to arrive.

8:30 Y/n phone marked

"Kakashi be like 'arrive at mother Fucking five am' and treats us like a Hispanic party. The party starts at 3:00 pm people arrive at 5:00 pm and leave at 2:00 am."

"Your culture is strange," Sasu-cakes announced

"Look the depressed Uchiahoe is talking about my culture when his clan all the say is 'Hn' like bitch Asahi the god of the sky (Court) gave you a mouth," Y/n said

"She ain't wrong," Naruto and Sakura said

Sasuke: ༼;´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽

"Once again I won the argument BITCHES" Y/n said

"Yesss" Sakura and Naruto said

Sakura and Naruto: 😝💅💅

Kakashi behind the trees: 💀

Y/N: 😌✌️✌️

"Hey kids," Kakashi said

"Yoooo" Y/n said (Read it in a deep voice)

"Your late Kakashi sensei," Sakura said

"Sorry I was helping an old lady cross the street after making Y/N breakfast" Kashi lied

'We know he lying' everyone thought

"So today you are taking the final test to be a genin," Kakashi said
"We already know our parents told me and Naruto" Sasuke said

"And Itachi told me," Sakura said

"They told me because the loser that is my brother didn't tell me," Y/n said

"Everyone put an F for Kakashi," Naruto said

*Kakashi ignored that*

" So any way you kids today we're going to take the bell to test only two of y'all four are going to pass so the first two that take the bell from me" Kakashi explained

"Well start riiiigggghttt NOW!"

*Everyone threw shiruken at him then went to hiding*

'So everyone is already matching each others movement and it only their second day as a team' Kakashi though

"Die Fucking Oni-chan" Y/n screamed while punching him in the hip

"Your turn" Y/n said right after

*Sasuke came in and kicked him in the back then Naruto came in a unbelievable speed an tackled him into the ground*

*After that Sakura came and punched him in the stomach*

"Where exactly did Ka-san said the pressure points were?" Naruto asked

"I don't know" Sasuke (Emo bitch) said

"Same" Sakura said

"Same" Y/n said

"Well heck let's jump him" Y/n said

*They proceeded to jump him until he has completely unconscious*

*They tied him up to that pole naruto was supposed to be tied down in the of timeline*

"Well Otou-san really spoiled the fun of this test" Naruto said

"And Obito-chan too uh uh and not only Obito, Ka-san too since she was in Minato-san's team" Sasuke pouted

"But you kids told me and Y/n" Sakura said

"I already knew too but I'm not going to tell yall how I knew" Y/n said

"Well I was the only one that didn't know, that's a little sad" Sakura said

"Don't be sad" the others 3 said

" I'm hungry let's go to Ichiraku then watch my little pony on Y/n phone" Naruto said

"Aight" Y/n said

* Everyone went to Ichiraku while Kakashi was unconscious tied to the pole*

Another F for Kakashi 😔

The end

I'm practicing my battle writing skills and this is short but I'll post some fillers up ahead so be ready I'll introduce a new character to the hot bitch series y'all will be SHOOKED with their origin story.


Ok bye

And sorry for not updating late but at least I got my F in science up to a D and all the other classes are A's so I'm good to update and take my time:)

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