Let's Dinner and Chill

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Y/n POV:

So we are going to the Uzumaki house for dinner?

"𝚈𝚎𝚜 𝚠𝚎 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚈/𝙽"


"𝙵𝚒𝚗𝚒𝚜𝚑 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚏𝚘𝚘𝚍 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚐𝚎𝚝 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚢 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚜𝚌𝚑𝚘𝚘𝚕"

*you smacked your lips*

You finished getting ready and went.to school the genin exams are going to take next week.

Kakashi accompanied you and when you got there he left.

When you arrived you where the first one to be in class so you blocked your presence and started listening to music. After a minute you fell asleep. You forgot that you chose the seat next to Emo Bitch (AKA Sasuke).

Sasuke noticed you and decided to wake you up. After that everyone was there Iruka came and gave class.

*Timeskip brought to you by The worst government in the world US*

It was now the end of the day you were tired.

Kakashi was waiting for you outside. He had a bag he handed it to you and said when we get home change to this it was a red dress and a red wig. He dint wanted the kids to know who I was. When you two got home you changed then he gave a box of shoes their where black high heels. Yo where ready the wig part was easy because back at home yo cosplayed. You then arrived to the Uzumaki house.

"Hello" Kushina said



"Come to the living room; Dear my son Naruto will be down here soon" Kushina said

"Ok" you said

@fter some minutes naruto was there sitting next to you you both where to shy to talk first then he broke the silence and said

"Hi my name is Naruto Namikaze Uzumaki the future hokage believe it"

"I'll believe it" you said

[Kushina and Minato smiled]

Soon yiu heard a knock in the door it was Rin and Obito.

"The newly married couple arrived" Kushina said

You where shoooked  Rin and Obito ... Newly married couple? Wait what?

Ok so Kushina minato and the rest of team minato is still alive and what else Sasuke's family is still alive. You noticed that there where only 3 faces in the village monument. So it's like an alternative world I guess.

The house was full of photos you saw one that really caught your eye. It made wanna cry a little.

Naruto tapped you in the shoulder the n said that he's friend Sasuke was in the way and that he was really shy so he wouldn't talk much.

You blushed for some reason.

"Wanna come to my room while we wait " Naruto said

"Ok Naruto" you said

When you got to his room you started looking around he had an amazing amount of plants.

He had a collection of kunais and other things.

His room was fool of photos him and his family and some with Sasuke.

So that boy in the photo with you is Sasuke I suppose.

"Yes" naruto said

Naruto decided to draw while we waited for the Uchiha family to come.

All the sudden we heard Kushina scream that they where here.

You guys wash their hands and got ready to eat when you sitted down in the table you properly introduced yourself.

"My name is Nickname L/N and I'm orphan so my guardian is Kakashi Hatake thanks for having me over" you said.

Everybody had smiled including Itachi.

[Your heart officially melted]


(I'll make you a Itachi simp and a Sakura stan, simp and kin)

"But Caro-chan we don't like Sakura"

Caro-chan: Get the fuck out;)



I ate Kushina's and Minato'a cooking chefs kiss👌

After the dinner the kids including Itachi went to naruto's room and hang out. Let me say something I decided to go seat next to Itachi and started blushing like crazy. Itachi suddenly got up and said.

"I'm going to go check on Haruno-san"

"Can I go with you please" You said without thinking"

"You know Haruno-san?" Itachi said

"Yes she will be my future wife" you murmured the last word

"Your what?" Itachi said

"Best friend" you blushed

"Oh" Itachi said

"Ok" he responded

"Let me just ask Oni-chan if I can go" you said

A sunset walk with Itachi you blushed at the thought


Kakashi sweat dropped

He nodded in response

Itachi was already waiting for you at the doorstep I'm ready let's go.  You said

~~~back with Kakashi

"You sure have a little thing going on their" the future hokage said

"Yes Sensei... Actually future hokage" Kakashi said

All the adults said

Note to my only readers I updated late cause I had some final to do for school so I took a long time with chapter.

Vote and comment what other things you will like please:)

You can call me Caro-chan or Ayuya-san that's my nickname Ayuya I don't know what the hell does that mean.

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