Chapter 10

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My alarm went off telling me that its 7 am.  The guys have an interview in 2 hours so I decided to let sleep for a bit while I make breakfast. I made waffles, eggs, bacon and some orange juice except for Daniel because I brought him apple juice. 

After I put everything on the table I went to wake u the guys. I  switched the lights on and started pulling the covers off of them. 

"Hey!! We're sleeping!" Zach groaned. "It's time to wake u sleepy heads. You have interviews in a few hours. Come on. Breakfast is ready." I told them while pulling the covers off of Corbyn and Daniel. "Ugh.. uhm."  

"Guys come on."  I went to Jonah and gave him a kiss on the lips which was enough to wake him up.  "Good morning love." He said with his sexy morning voice and gave m another kiss.  Then he got u and we both looked u to the guys who went back to sleep.

"You go get ready. I'll handle the guys." I told him with a smirk. "Don't go to hard on them." He said because he knew what could be in my mind.  "Don't worry it's not gonna be that bad." 

He smiled at me and then went to get ready while I headed to the kitchen to bring some ice cubes.  I went back to the room and started putting ice cubes in the back of their shirts.  They got up right away and of course they started complaining. 

"What was that for?" Jack asked trying to get the ice cube out of his clothes. "Was that really necessary ?" Daniel asked rubbing his eyes. 

"Yes it was, you guys weren't getting up and you have to get ready so I had to do something. I could bring water too if you still want to sleep." I said with a laugh.  "Alright we're up." Corbyn said with a yawn at the end."

"Good now get ready. You only have 30 minutes until you have to go." I said and walked out to the living room, where Jonah was sitting and eating his breakfast.    "These waffles are amazing. Thanks Gracie. Hey did they wake up? "  He asked with his mouthful.

"Yeah. Ice cubes were enough. I didn't need the water." I answered and we both started laughing.  "That wasn't funny. I'm gonna get you back for this." Corbyn said walking out of the room and Jack following behind.  "You didn't give me a choice. I had to wake you guys up. Now eat. You leave in 15 minutes." I said and they started eating. Two minutes later, Daniel joined us and started eating too but of course after complaining about what I did.

The guys were getting ready to leave but then I realized something. "Hey guys where's Zach?" I asked while giving them the last hug.  "He's probably still getting ready." Daniel answered.  "Late as usual. Thank god this interview isn't live but you have a live one afterwards so make sure to be on time." I said and looked over to see Zach coming out of the bathroom.

"Good morning." He said.  "Finally." Corbyn sighed. "Now let's go."  Daniel said and started walking out.  "But I didn't eat breakfast." Zach whined like a little kid.  "Here I made you a sandwich. Now go." I said handing him the sandwich.  

"Thanks Gracie. You're the best." Zach said giving me a hug.  "I really wanted you to come with me." Jonah told me and gave me a peck on the lips.  "I know I wanted to come to but I have to finish some work before the show. Besides I'll watch your live interview." I said rubbing his back while giving him the last hug. 

"Ok then. See you at the concert?"  "See you at the concert." I smiled at him and with that, they left. 

I'm so sorry for not uploading for so long and that the chapter is so short but school has been taking all my time lately. I promise to try and upload more and make the chapters longer. I also wanted to thank you guys so much for almost 250 reads. and if you vote and share that would mean the world. Love you babes <3 

Taking Turns // Jonah MaraisWhere stories live. Discover now