Chapter 1

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My favorite 'manband' Why don't we's concert is today in Sydney and it the last show of this tour because they had to delay the other ones because of Corona.

Unfortunately I can't go because the tickets were sold out and It sucks. I don't even know where the concert is going to be. At 11 pm I decided to go to this little coffee shop that was close ti my apartment. I put my earphones in and started listening to my why don't we Playlist.

I didn't know that the concert was over until all of a sudden I see Jonah walking towards the coffee shop. I'm not the kind of limelight who freaks out and starts screaming but I was freaking out inside. I mean you can't blame me it's Jonah Marais.

I wanted to ask him for a Pic but I know how they feel after shows and how they're tired and I don't wanna stress him out.

As I was walking towards the Cafe I saw this drunk man walking over to him. Jonah tried walking away but the man pulled out a gun and started shooting everywhere and in every direction. There was no one else on the street and it was dark so I couldn't ask for help and I was so shook I couldn't ever pull out my phone.

Suddenly I heard a scream so I looked over and saw that the guy shot Jonah in his side but he didn't realize since he was so drunk and since Jonah managed to keep standing. But then another bullet shot Jonah right above his knee and when the man realized that he shot Jonah, he ran away immediately.
I was a few meters away from Jonah at the moment and I didn't realize that I was running towards him. And as he was about to fall I caught him and put his head in my lap. Jonah please jut stay awake, I told myself.

His eyes started to close so I grabbed my phone and called the ambulance.
"Hello this is the ambulance. What's your emergency?"
"uhm" I couldn't speak. I started crying and I tried putting words together. "a d-drunk guy Sh-shot my friend. I need help please he's bleeding out and he's unconscious."
"okay stay where you are the ambulance is on its way." and with that the lime went dead.

And then I remembered that I always have a bandage in my bag just in case I need one so I took it out and wrapped it around his waist and I started putting pressure  on his leg to try and stop the bleeding and thank god It started to bleed less. My hands and clothes were full of blood now.

A few minutes later the ambulance arrived and took him on a stretcher and allowed me to go with him to the hospital. When we arrived they rushed him into surgery but before he went in he woke up and gave me his phone, told me the password and told me to call the guys. I nodded and then they rushed him into surgery.

I found Corbyn's number and pressed call.
He picked up after a few rings.
"Hey bro where are you it's been an hour"
He said as soon as he picked up.
"uhmm.... This isn't Jonah. My name is Gracie and I was walking to the same coffee shop as Jonah and a drunk guy shot him and he's in surgery now. I'll send you the address so you can come to the hospital. Jo ah told me to call you guys before he went I to surgery."
"wait are you serious?" I heard Daniel ask and I could tell he was worried.
"yes I am. If you don't believe me you can open FaceTime and I can show you that I'm in the hospital if you want."
"no, no, we believe you. Just send us the address. We're on our way." and he hung up.

I sent them the address and right after that a nurse came to me and told me that I need to pay for Jonah's surgery. She also told me that Jonah will have to stay in a room for a while once he's out of surgery and told me the room number.

I went to the reception to pay for Jonah's surgery and went to wait in front of his room. I texted the guys the floor and Jonah's room number so that they know where to go when they arrive.

After about 25 min I heard voices on the staircase and then saw the guys come running the floors looking for Jonah's room. I stood up and waved at them to come. They walked over and I shook their hands and we sat down.

"We rally don't know how to thank you. Without you our best friend might have been dead by now. Thank you so much." Corbyn said.
"yeah we really appreciate it. Thank you so much you saved out best friend." jack agreed with him.
I sobbed "you don't have to Thank me and I'm really sorry I wasn't there earlier I could've called the cops. Jonah wouldn't have been shot if I had run faster. I'm really sorry." I said as tears started to fall down my cheeks.
"are you kidding me? You just saved our best friend and you're apologizing because you didn't save him faster? We really don't know how to thank you you're out hero. Thanks Gracie", Zach said.

I smiled and decided to start another conversation.
"so... What brings you guys to Sydney. You do t seem from here" I said wanting to know what their reaction would be. And just like I expected they started getting nervous and started scratching he back of their necks.

"oh.... Ummm... We are..." Daniel said getting really nervous. I let out a laugh.
"relax guys I know who you are. I'm a limelight."
They let out a big sigh of relief but then had confused faces. I think they wanted to know why I didn't ask them for selfies so I started telling them everything.

A/N OK this is the first chapter of taking me know what you guys think. And if you have any questions feel free to ask.
Love you guys ❤️
~P 😊

Taking Turns // Jonah MaraisWhere stories live. Discover now