Chapter 13

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We arrived at Starbucks and Jonah was ordering while Franny and I were talking a few feet away. A few minutes later, Jonah told me that he forgot his wallet in the car.

I headed to get the wallet from the car but I bumped into someone on the way there.

"I'm so sor-" I looked up and saw the person I thought I'd never see again.  It's the man that kidnapped me two years ago. The man I always see in my nightmares. And the one who's shadow has been hunting me ever since the day I escaped two years ago. 

It was him.

"Missed me beautiful?" he said with the most devilish smirk on his face. I couldn't move.  I couldn't ask for help. I'm so scared I can't even speak. That's also when my anxiety started stepping in and I started shaking. (for anyone who this happens to them, I know it sucks but just know that you're not alone and that you're so strong. )

He was getting closer and his hand was about to touch me. 

"HEY! TAKE YOUR HANDS OFF OF MY GIRLFRIEND." a sigh of relief filled me. 

Jonah came just in time, pushed him away and took me in his arms. 

"We'll see each other again very soon beautiful.. I promise" he whispered with a smirk and then left. 

"Babe are you Ok?" Jonah asked rubbing my arm. I shook my head no.   

"Who was that Gracie?" Franny asked me with a very worried look on her face.     "That was...... the guys who kidnapped me two years ago."  I answered barely whispering. 

"The one you told me about?" Jonah asked. 

 "Yeah that one. I don't know what he wants from me. I'm so scared he's gonna do something bad to me or even kidnap me again. How did he even know that I'm here. What if he's tracking my phone or something?" I said panicking. 

"Don't worry babe. As long as I'm with you, I wont let anything bad happen to you." Jonah said rubbing my back.        "I know" I always feel safe when I'm with him and I know that he wouldn't let something bad happen to me. I love him so much. 

We got the money and paid for the drinks. And when we got home, Daniel was is the shower. 

"We're home" I yelled walking through the door. 

"What took you so long. We were getting worried." Corbyn said with a sigh of relief. 

"Well they're here now. I want my drink." Zach said in a childish way and made us laugh. 

"We were picking up a special package." I said and stepped aside reveling Franny. 

"Franny? What are you doing here." Zach said while the others started giving her side hugs and greeting her. 

"Surprising Daniel, duh" She answered and rolled her eyes playfully. 
"Surprising Daniel with what?" Daniel asked walking out of the bathroom. "Franny?" He said and his face lit up. 

He ran to her and picked her up and spun her around "Omg I missed you so much." They kissed and he put her down. 

"It was Gracie's idea"  "Omg thank you, thank you, thank you," he said and gave me a tight hug. 
We watched movies all day long and just chilled on the couch, Jonah's arm around me, Daniel's arm around Franny and the others sitting on the ground. 

"I feel like a complete fifth wheel." Jack said since Jonah was telling me cute stuff and Daniel was playing with Franny's hair.

"Same here bro." Corbyn agreed with him.

We continued watching movies until 2 am and then we went to sleep. 
Later at 5 am: 

I couldn't sleep so I left Jonah a note and went for a walk. The sun still didn't go up so I am walking down a dark street with no people. no lights. nothing. 

I just want to reach the small diner, have a drink and go home again.
I was feeling off  and wanted some time alone.

About 5 minutes later, I heard footsteps and they were getting closer. I decided not to look back and started walking faster but so did the footsteps. 

I thought I was getting closer to the diner but now it looks like it's further than it was. 

The footsteps were getting closer so I decided to look back only to see someone I never wanted to see ever again. Him. 

I got so scared and started crying.

 The footsteps started getting louder.

I decided to take the first right hoping that the footsteps would stop or that I would find someone and ask for help. 

I started running and took the next right. 

HELL NO!! It's a fricking DEAD END! 

I'm screwed. I'm so scared and I don't know what to do. 

I ran to the end of the street and stood my back to the the very big wall. I was shaking very badly and I couldn't even talk.

He got closer and and started running towards me and suddenly another man came out and gave him a rope. He also had a gun.

I closed my eyes and thought that I'm gonna die right now but instead-

Sorry about the cliffhanger again but I promise it's gonna be worth it :)
Anyways thank you so much for 400+ reads. I'll try to upload again as soon as I can.
Love y'all <33 ~P

Taking Turns // Jonah MaraisWhere stories live. Discover now