Chapter 4

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We entered Jonah's room and as soon as he saw us he started complaining about the breakfast he's eating which was mashed potatoes and orang juice since he cant eat the everyday foods we eat because his stiches are still fresh and its not good for him to eat normal food yet it may cause an infection.

 After he finished , we all talked for  a little bit , but then out of no where, "Oh Jonah. You have to listen to Gracie's voice. She sang our songs this morning and she sounded amazing. Can you please  sing again Gracie? Jonah has to hear your voice." Zach said with a very excited face. and then the other three started pleading, too while Jonah was very confused. 

"I don't know. I told you guys I'm a vey shy person. its going to sound horrible. plus we are in a  hospital if any one comes in I'll be very embarrassed." I told them trying to use any excuse since my cheeks already started turning pink. 

"Look, I'm not gonna pressure you but the guys are saying that your voice is amazing and i would love to hear you sing. It will also make me feel better. so what do you say?", Jonah said calmly. 

Not gonna lie his words were so sweet and I felt kinda bad, so i gave in. 

"Fine,.....but only because it will make you feel better." i said and my cheeks started turning pink again, " What do you want me to sing?"   I asked.  "I don't know. you choose." Jonah answered.   "How about Just to see you smile?" i suggested.   "Perfect" Jonah said with a smile.

I smiled back and the started singing:" You have my focus, I can't control it, I find you magic, in every moment no sleight of hand, cause you're my truth, and when I'm in love the ordinary just wont do. you look so beautiful you walked out of a dream I never felt this way before you're eyes are all I need to make forever feel like just a little while I swear I'd walk I'd run I'd even learn to fly just to see you smile you can make the world stop...."

  Something's  weird. When i started singing I sounded good and I don't feel shy anymore. I feel so confident around these guys. Is that normal? I don't know. But its something good, isn't it? 

"......Just to see you smile." I finished and looked up but no one said anything. Was it bad? 

"That. Was...AMAZING." Jack shouted an i blushed.  

" Oh my god Gracie, you sound amazing. you have to sing with us more often." Jonah said with a smile.  "I would love to" I said returning the smile.  We stayed and talked for awhile and then I wanted to go to Starbucks , so i asked if anytime wanted something and they gave me their order and then Corbyn offered to come and help me carry the orders. 

~At Starbucks~

" ....... and finally, one Grande Mocca Frappuccio for Max and one Tall Caramel Flat Latte for Joe." I said finishing the order.   "That would be 20 dollars and 19 cents." the cashier said. Corbyn as about to pay but i handed her the money first and then we both went to wait for our orders.

"Why did you tell her your name is Max?" Corbyn asked.   I let out a little laugh:" Well, my name is spelled with an i e at the end and every time I tell them my real name, they write it with a y and it really annoys me so I started telling them my name is Max. No one spells it wrong and its been my Starbucks name for a year now" I answered.

"And how did you know mine is Joe?" he asked and I looked at the ground hiding my blush.  "Uhmm...Well....uh.. in 2017 you did an interview with a radio station and in that interview you said that it annoys you when they spell you name with an i and that your Starbucks name is joe. Oh god this sounds so weird. " I said and his eyes widened.   

"Wow, you remembered this from 2017? That's insane." He said.   "I just have  really good memory" I said and we both started laughing.   Our orders were done about 5 min later so we took them and headed ack to the hospital.  

After we finished our drinks the doctor came in and told us that the visiting hours are over so we had to go home. 

We arrived at my apartment and I had to do my schoolwork, so i let the guys open the tv and i went to my room and started doing my work. 

After finishing my schoolwork , we decided to order pizza for dinner and watch a movie and since I'm a potterhead, i made them watch Harry Potter. 

After 2 Harry potter movies and a lot of pizza and snacks, we decided to go to sleep and end another really good day.

A/N sorry for not updating for so long but I'm really stressed out in school lately. please vote and share the story with your friends if you like it. Also prepare yourself for A LOT of drama coming up. Love you guys   ~P :)

Taking Turns // Jonah MaraisWhere stories live. Discover now