Chapter 6

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Jonah's POV : Todays the day I'm finally  getting released from the hospital. It's been three horrible painful and boring week. I hated it there. On the bright side tho, Gracie and the guys came every day and made it less boring and now I'm finally out. 

I still cant walk properly and it hurts but I'll get used to it. Were gonna stay at Gracie's house since we're still quarantined. She's honestly the nicest person I've ever met and not to mention she's so beautiful with her wavy brown hair, her beautiful brown eyes and her warming smile.

I've had a crush on her for the last two weeks. All the guys know already, I told them right away.


The boys and I are sitting in my hospital room while Gracie is getting us coffee and I decided to tell them something I've been hiding for a bit.      "uhm...guys? I wanna tell you something."     They all looked  up from their phones and looked me.     "Yeah, what's up." Jack asked.   "Well I uhhh..." I tried finding the words.   "You what?" Daniel asked with a confused look.   "ilikegracie"    "Slower bro we didn't hear anything." Zach said and I think they started getting annoyed.   I took a deep breath. "I Gracie."  I blushed as soon as I said that.   "Finally...You said it." Corbyn said and they all smiled at me.   "Wait... you guys knew? How?" I felt the heat coming up to my cheeks. Is it that obvious?   "Of course we know. Its so obvious. I don't think she realizes tho." Zach said.  "But she definitely likes you back. You guys blush when you hear the others name. Oh and you should see your face when she walks in." Jack said and they all started laughing.    "Hey don't laugh. It's not my fault she's amazing."  I said that and I'm sure my face looks like a tomato right now.   "Well...ask her out." Daniel suggested.    "Idk....maybe.. but I don't know when. I'm glad you guys know now."     "what are you guys talking about?"  I looked up and Gracie was standing at the door.  "Uhhh...Nothing"  I said getting nervous.   "ok then. I got coffee. here you go."  she said with a smile and started giving us our coffee. 

*End of Flashback*

I wish she knew so it wouldn't be that hard to hide it. I don't think she feels the same way though. Corbyn is pushing me on the wheelchair to the car. they helped me get in the car and we started heading to Gracie's apartment. I'm sitting in the passengers seat and Gracie is sitting in the back talking to Daniel Jack and Zach. I couldn't stop looking at her reflection in the mirror.

"We're here" Corbyn said parking the car. 

Gracie's POV:    Corbyn just parked the car and we all got out. I helped Jonah into his wheelchair and started pushing him towards the apartment door. We ate dinner and then it was time for us to go to sleep. 

"I think you should sleep on my bed. Its the lower bed so you can get up easily. Corbyn and Daniel sleep on the left top bed and Jack and Zach sleep on the right top bed and I will sleep on the floor. If you need anything just wake me up. Now lets go to bed." I told Jonah helping him get into bed. 

"Are you sure? I'm sure it's gonna be very uncomfortable." Jonah asked me.   "Yeah don't worry I'm used to it" I answered with a smile.    "Alright goodnight boy." I said switching the lights off.    "Goodnight Gracie." they all said and then i heard Jonah whisper, "I love you"  

Wait, does he like me, too?  No way. I'm sure its just me. 

I brushed the thought off and went to sleep.


It's 7 am and I just woke up. I took a shower and then decided to make breakfast.  About  25 min later, I heard something falling really hard on the ground and a few seconds later I heard a loud scream.... 

A/N: Hey guys I'm so so sorry I haven't updated in so long but we went back to online sch0ol and I've been so stressed lately but ill promise ill try my best to upload more. Also thank you soooo much for 100+ reads. I hope you are enjoying the story and trust me its gonna get better.   Love you guys so much. ~P❤

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