Chapter 5

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I woke up the next morning, made breakfast then decided to go see my brother and sister at my grandmas house since they were staying there. 

I wrote the guys a note so that they know where i am: I went to see my siblings at my grandmas house. I made breakfast and put it on the table in the living room. ill be back in an hour, Gracie :) 


I just left my grandmas house and I'm in a really good mood. i've missed my brother and my sister so much. my brother will graduate soon but i feel bad for him tho cause he's nit going to have a proper graduation because were quarantined and everything is online. i think I'm gonna make him a little surprise party. my sister is still young tho she still has time. mow I'm heading ack to my apartment to pick up the boys and go to Jonah. 

I opened my apartment door and saw the boys all around the table eating the pancakes. "Oh, there she is, we've been waiting. do you have Nutella?" Zach said as soon as he saw me.   I chuckled, " Yes i have Nutella one second" and I went to the kitchen to bring it. "how are you guys still eating i left an hour ago." I asked handing them the Nutella.    "Actually we just woke up" Corbyn said with his mouthful.   "Well hurry up we only have 3 visiting hours left." I said while taking the empty plates and washing them. 

The guys finished getting ready  and we headed to the hospital. We entered Jonah's room and he greeted us with a smile but he didn't look good at all. He was watching Tv but his face was very pale and he looked really tired.

"Jonah, what's wrong?" I asked.   "Nothing" He said between coughs and his voice was barely coming out. 

"Bro you're not ok" Daniel told him.    "I'm fine" He said while coughing again. 

"No you're not, should I do get a doctor?" Jack asked.  "No, please don't. I'll be fine." Jonah told him.   

"you look very pale, Have you eaten something?" I asked him.    "is it bad if I say no?" he said.    "Jonah you have too eat"     "I tried but I threw up." he said.  

i put my hand on his forehead and realized that its very hot.   "Jonah you're burning up. You're sick. We have to get a doctor. end of discussion." I told him.    "I'll go" Corbyn said standing up but Jonah stopped him.  "Please don't. I'll be fine." Jonah said now sneezing.  

"hold on" I told him and grabbed a towel from the bathroom and a bowl of cold water, then  I soaked the towel in it and then pressed it lightly on Jonah's forehead. I did it a couple more times. "Better?" I asked.   "Much better" He said with a smile.   

"Awwww" I looked over and saw the guys standing and just staring at us. I blushed, "Guys stop" I said with a blush. I will admit, i have a big crush on Jonah but not because I'm a limelight, its because that I discovered that I like his personality, he has the best sense of humor and simply everything in Jonah and its really crazy. I think I'm in love with him. 

Hey guys sorry for the late update but its been really hard with school and stuff. I don't know if anyone is even reading the story but if you are I  hope you like it. I know it sucks and sorry for the short part but trust me its gonna get insane and a lot is going to happen. I really hope you like it. love you guys ~ P

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