Part 20

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Leorio pov

"Nina? What are you looking at?" I asked the girl from my class. We were in the library studying. She didn't respond to the question but did say something.

"Why's there a boy outside on the lawn?" She asked. I raise an eyebrow and go to look for myself. I practically choke on my next breath. Kurapika? Why the hell was he here? How did he even get here? 

"Are you alright Leorio?" Nina asked while looking at me then to the boy. I ignore Nina and rush out of the library running to the exit of the huge school and rushing over to Kurapika. 

"Kurapika what in the name of all the cups of coffee are you doing here?" I shout at him. Kurapika looks at me with a dazed expression. He stared at me before falling to his knees. My eyes widen. What was wrong with him? Did something happen? Is he hurt? I rush to his side trying to look for injuries on his body. There didn't seem to be any, so then what was going on with him? 

"Where are you?" he whispered. I tilt my head in confusion. I was right in front of him. What in the world was going on?

"Kurapika! What are you talking about?" I say while shaking him. His head raises to meet my gaze. His eyes were scarlet. Damn what got into him?

"Where are you Chrollo......" he mumbled. Chrollo? wasn't that the leader of the phantom troupe? Why was he? oh geez someone tell me what the hell is going on! Why is hen acting like this? Was he poisoned or something? 

I hold onto his body knowing very well that if I weren't to do so he'd probably pass out or something. I heard footsteps approaching from behind and a girls voice, Nina.

"Who is this? Do you know him?" She asked. I turn around facing the redhead. 

"Uh, yeah I know him. He's one of my friends. I don't know what is wrong with him but we need to get him inside." I say in a rushed voice. Nina nodded and we got the blonde into a room with one of the professors. 

Chrollo pov

I walk to the other. everyone seemed surprised to see me.

"Boss? How've you been? Are we doing something? You didn't tell us you'd be joining us!" Shalnark said bounding up to me like a loyal dog or something. I blink away confusion. 

"What's wrong? You seem a bit off." Machi said getting up and also walking over to me. 

"Nothing's wrong, and to answer your question Shalnark, we're not doing anything. I'm just going to go out for  a little stroll." I say before turning around abruptly and walking out the warehouse. Well I lied. Something was completely wrong. I missed the company of Kurapika? Where was he right now? Where was he? Where was he?

I walk down the streets of an unknown place. I remember being here at some point in my life just forgot where it was. We probably stole some random item from this area or something. I walk past a few shops. A Udon stand caught my attention. I took a quick stop there to get some food. 

Fandom pov

"I don't mean to rain on your party or anything but, Fandom-sama, did you mean to teleport them this far apart from each other? I mean they're still in the same area but-" I glare at Wattpad, knowing I had screwed up just a little.

"No, I didn't mean to do that! I was just over excited they finally found the last ship! Goddamn it. Arg this is so annoying and it'd be weird to just make them disappear in public and be teleported to a different location. Ahh what do I do?" I say while looking up at the ceiling frowning. 

"Why don't you just write it so that they meet each other. I mean Kurapika is at the medical school or whatever it's called. You can just make it so Chrollo walks past there or something and just yah know enters it like he owns the place." wattpad suggests. I could tell they didn't actually mean that but it was the only idea I had at the moment. Geez this was such a bother. If I had just teleported them to the same place this would've been so much easier. 

Chrollo pov

I finish eating and begin to walk in a random direction. I didn't know really where I was going. I see a huge building, no it was some sort of school coming into view. Oh right, Kurapika had a friend who was becoming a doctor or something. I'd be winging it to see if the friend went to this school but I could check. Afterall Kurapika had been doing some very....unhealthy things while we were trapped in the mansion house. Maybe if I asked someone at the school for advice they could tell me how to help Kurapika if I ever saw him again. 

I hope I saw him again...

Nina pov

"So he's a hunter?" I ask Leorio, he nodded and stared intently at the boy. The boy looked very sickly and he kept mumbling something about a man named Chrollo. The boy was definitely awake but his conscious was that of someone who was sleeping. he was both awake and asleep. 

I listen in on the conversation that Leorio and our professor, Mr. Iryo were having. I look back to the boy and sigh, I hoped that whatever was wrong with him wasn't too bad and he wasn't about to drop dead or something. As I was thinking these things the door bursts open and a black haired man with strange clothing walked in as if he owned the place. Mr. Iryo got up and began to yell at the man only to be shushed by three people. Leorio also got up and began to yell at both the weird man and Mr. Iryo to let him handle the situation. 

"what the hell did you do to Kurapika?" Yelled Leorio. The man looked past Leorio and saw that Kurapika, the sickly boy had sat up and got up running at Chrollo and hugged him. 

Leorio pov

wait, what was Kurapika doing? for one he was hugging his most hated enemy and he no longer seemed sickly and like he was about to drop dead. Mr. Iryo also seemed a little shocked. He stopped yelling at Chrollo and sat back down just staring at the two hugging. Hugging, Kurapika of the Kurta clan was hugging Chrollo of the phantom troupe.

"Kurapika?" I say. I walked over to them tapping the boy on the shoulders. Kurapika didn't respond just buried his face into Chrollo. 

"What did you do to him Chrollo?" I ask looking at Chrollo with a stern look. Chrollo looked at me and smiled a little.

"Nothing, I'm not doing anything but hugging my princess."

I hate you, I hate you more (Chrollo x Kurapika)Where stories live. Discover now