Part 8

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Chrollo pov

Wait, he could see Yuyo? I stop trying to calm the Kurta boy and get lost in my own thoughts. How was that even possible to see someone who wasn't there? Was the image of Yuyo able to speak? Did Yuyo look like a child or did she somehow look the way she does now? I was only brought back to my senses after a pain filled scream filled my ears. My head turned quickly to the ground where the Kurta was covering his ears before moving his hands to his chest clutching at himself as if he were being choked by an invisible force. Again I kneel down and look at the boy,

"Kurapika! Tell me four things that you can ear?" I say hoping he'd listen to me. In fact, he did listen to me. The blond kurta raised his head shakily facing me and taking a huge deep breath before speaking.

"I can hear your voice, my voice, Yuyo's voice and my heartbeat..." He said yet again saying he could both see and hear Yuyo. 

"Tell me what Yuyo's saying." I say, the boys face went pink and I wondered if he was going to pass out.

"U-uh...nothing." whispered the Kurta trying to avoid my eyes now. 

"What was she saying?" I ask again now really curious about what was going on. His face reddened even more.

"She was telling me to tell you something that doesn't make any logical sense..." His voice trailed off.

Kurapika pov

It didn't make sense. None of what Yuyo was telling me to do made sense. why was she trying to tell me to tell Chrollo I liked him. I didn' least I don't think I do.

"don't worry pika! He won't mind that you like him, liking someone is natural." chimed Yuyo's voice. I could feel Chrollo looking at me with very curious eyes. He wanted to know what Yuyo was saying. I didn't want him to know. Sadly for me, Yuyo was somehow able to literally force me to speak.

"I you." I say in a tiny strained voice. Of course my heartbeat sped up and Yuyo vanished. 

Chrollo pov

I had nothing left to say. I had never had anything to say in the first place. Me a 26 year old man just had a 17 year old boy confess that they liked me. Adding onto that he was just coming out of a Panic attack so I wasn't able to tell if his feelings were truthful and real or him still panicking. If I were to date the kurta I'd be doing something illegal, then again the phantom troupe never followed the rules. My mind couldn't differentiate weather I was feeling love for the blonde or I just now pitied him because he no longer had a family. 

"C-Chrollo-kun! just forget what I just said!" Kurapika said quickly after gaining control again of his eyes which had slowly turned back to normal. I look at him wondering why in the name of hell would I forget what he just said. Also my head couldn't just ignore the fact he was suddenly using honorifics, Kun. I sigh still unsure of what to say back to him.

"I'm sorry Kurapika but because I'm very unsure of my feelings towards you I can't return those feelings." I say trying to sound polite. The boy looked blankly at me trying to hide disappointment. I couldn't think properly anymore and neither could Kurapika. I pick him up and carry him inside. Surprised that the boy was even letting me do that. I go to his room lay him down. 

I hate you, I hate you more (Chrollo x Kurapika)Where stories live. Discover now