Part 15

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Kurapika pov

Nothing major had happened for the past month, Chrollo went on calling me Princess and went on trying to get me to share food with him. I went on calling him a dummy and an idiot along with refusing to share any food with him. 

It was raining outside the mansion and I was sitting in the Library like I had been doing for the past week or so. I hear the door open and watch Chrollo come to where I was sitting.

"Morning my little princess." He said. My eyes swap into red. I had just gotten used to being called Princess but being called "MY LITTLE PRINCESS?" that was crossing the thin border line of rage.

"Don't you dare call me that again." I hiss at him. He smiles back at me.

"Fine I'll just call you Princess." He said with a smirk. I glare back at him while forcing my eyes to return to normal. It was always hard to get my eyes to forcefully switch back. 

"Why don't you just keep your eyes that way? It looks beautiful anyway." Chrollo said to me. I don't respond. 

"well then, if your just going to pout all day about the nicknames then I'll be off to make some food. Come down if you want some." Chrollo said getting up and walking away. I hadn't had any breakfast yet so maybe some food in my system would actually do me some for once. I get up taking my book with me and followed the tall raven haired man. 

The book I had been reading was about a school full of people who gambled as a livelihood. It sounded weird on the outside but one of the characters had eyes that sometimes would turn a bright red similar to my own eyes. In the story the eyes they change in eye color was called being thrilled or something. 

"I'll make something for us." Chrollo says while making me sit at the table facing away from him. I stare out the window waiting for food to be placed in front of me. 

About fifteen minutes passes until a typical bento box was placed infront of me. I smile a little when I was given the full pair of chopsticks. Thank god we weren't going to be sharing today. I think while taking in the food. 

"You like it?" chrollo asked I nod my head and continue eating. Chrollo does sit down and eat with me though. He just cleans up the kitchen as if waiting for something good to happen. 

~time skip~

maybe about two hours later at around noon I began to feel oddly tired. I'd finished the book about the girl with red eyes like mine, turns out she also came from a clan called the Momobami clan. I'd begun to read a book labeled as Black Butler. After about a few chapter into the book though I had found out two things. I was basically reading about a 13 year old boy suffering and I was extremely tired and a bit nauseous. I put a bookmark into the books ages marking my place before getting up and beginning to slowly walk to my room. I sadly only made it to the entrance of Chrollo's room before my eyes glazed over and everything went pitch black.


When I woke up for two reasons the first was the horrible headache I had and the second was that I found a gross spider crawling over my face of course causing me to scream, I'd like to say it was from my drive to kill the spider but honestly it was from pure panic. Seconds later the spider was plucked from my face and taken somewhere I didn't want to be.

"Well I can see that you've woken up. How are you feeling?" Chrollo's voice asked me from the window in which he had probably dropped the spider out of.  

"H-horrible, I've got a bad h-headache and that spider creeped the hell o-out of me." I slightly stutter a bit from feeling dizzy despite not even moving.

"Well you've been out for a full day now so you need to eat something at least." Chrollo says not facing me. He turned around holding a small bowl with something in it. He went to the bedside lifting a spoon up. It took me less than a second to realize what he was about to do. Feed me like I was a baby. Though the logical part of my brain took longer to figure out that I was way to weak at the moment to fight back.

"Shit." I mumble gritting my teeth hoping it would be enough to stop him from feeding me the soup. 

Turns out it wasn't enough.

I hate you, I hate you more (Chrollo x Kurapika)Where stories live. Discover now