Chapter 6

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~Kali's P.O.V.~

     I nod and take a deep breath, taking his hand. I feel my powers rush into Xiumin and quickly look up at his face. At first it's normal, but his eyes suddenly unfocus as his eyelids flutter and he sways, falling forward. I gasp as his head hits my shoulder and Chen grabs my hand, stopping my powers.

    "What did you do?" Chen asks worriedly as I softly push Xiumin off me and onto his back on the bed. I let go of both of their hands and getting off the bed as Chen rushes to Xiumin's side. He puts his hand to Xiumin's throat and then leans his ear down to his mouth, his expression confused. "He's....asleep!" My eyes widen, and the room starts to fill up with fog.

     Chen stands and runs over to me, grabbing my hand just as ice begins to coat the floor. The ice and fog both disappears once our fingers touch and he looks worriedly at me. "What's wrong?" He asks, concern coating his words. I shake my head, taking a deep breath. Be strong, I tell myself, Don't cry in front of Chen, your not a baby. "He's not immune, so there's a chance I could hurt him..." Chen shakes his head. "You won't hurt him or any of the others, I promise."

      I give him a small smile and look down, suddenly noticing myself. I must smell terrible. "Uh, Chen, do you think I could take a shower? And maybe borrow some clothes?" He nods, letting go, of my hand. "Yeah, sure, I'll go get some from one of the guy's rooms. Try not to lite anything on fire, ok?" I laughed, earning a cheeky smile from him as he dissapeared from the room.

     I look over at Xiumin's sleeping form. He looks so peaceful and cute, like a baby. There's no way I could hurt him, even if I tried. I'd kill myself if I ever brought pain to him, Chen, or anyone, for that matter. Only me.

    I heard a loud yelp from downstairs and jumped, making ice shoot from my hands. I cursed under my breath and took a deep breath, closing my eyes. Why do I have to be scared so easily?

    Suddenly, curiosity bubbled up inside me, making me nearly run out into the hallway. If Chen and Xiumin were as good looking as they seem, then what about the other guys they live with? (Hey, don't judge, I'm a hormonal 16 year old girl in a house with some hot guys. You'd have stalker-like thoughts too!)

     Careful not to wake Xiumin I tiptoed out the door and into the hallway, walking towards where I heard the yelp. I saw where the wall ended and the  staircase began, and a plan popped into my head: I'll go to the end of the wall and peek around it for a few seconds, just enough to see what I'm dealing with, then I'll run back to the room. That's a good plan, right?

     I had just about reached the end of the wall when someone suddenly appeared in front of me, probably coming up the stairs. Our eyes connected and we both gasped. Before he could say anything I bolted, running back down the hall and into Chen's room. I slammed the door shut and leaned against it, listening intently for his footsteps. That's when I realized something amazing: he was the boy from the simulation.


~Chen's P.O.V.~

    I walked into Xiumin's room, pulling open one of his drawers. I figured, since he knew about Kali, he wouldn't mind if she borrowed some of his clothes. I grabbed a pair of sweatpants, a sweatshirt and his black Wolf snapback, shutting his drawer.

     I left his room and went into the hall, throwing the clothes over my shoulder. What I saw made my jaw drop: Kali and Luhan standing in the hallway, staring at each other with suprised looks on their faces. Kali turned and bolted down the hall and into my room within seconds, but it was too late. Luhan had already seen her.

    I set off into a run towards my room, stopping in front of the door just before Luhan reached it. He looked at me with a confused expression. "Chen, who was that?" His eyes suddenly bulged. "Chen, do you have a girl-"

    I quickly slapped my hand over his mouth before he could finish, making him jump. "No, I don't have a girlfriend, so shut up! It's not what you think!" He narrowed his eyes, pulling my hand off his mouth. "Oh really, cause I just saw a girl, go into your room!" "Shh!" I yelled, panicing, "If the others hear you I'm soo dead!!!"

   Luhan crossed his arms. "Well you better explain things, or I'm gonna tell the rest of them." I clench my teeth and knock on the door. Immedietly,  ice shoots out from under the door and Luhan gasps, jumping back. I curse under my breath and say, "Kali, it's Chen, please open up!"

   The door cracks open and a hand slips out, grabbing my arm. Luhan yelps and jumps back as the ice disappears, his eyes wide. " Nà shì shénme?!?" He cries in Chinese as Kali appears beside me. "I'm sorry Chen, I didn't mean to-" Kali starts but I stop her, handing her Xiumin's clothes. "Go take a shower in the bathroom right there," I say, pointing to the room next to mine, "Change into these. I need to explain some things to Luhan here." She nods and pushes past Luhan, running in and shutting the door behind her.

   Luhan looks to me, his eyes wide. "Did she do-" I raise my hand. "You have a lot of things to learn, hyung. I suggest you step inside."



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