Chapter 2

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Hey y'all! No one has read this really yet but I like the story so Imma update it again. Anyway please note that the guys of Exo may not act like they always do, and their ages might not be exactly the same so sorry, don't get all psycho-fangirl on me, ok? And yeah, i know bkth Kris and Luhan arent in Exo anymlre but i love them so theyre gonna stay so just pretend that theyre still in the band. But please, enjoy!


~Chen's P.O.V.~
(Language: Korean)

     I sat next to Kai in the orphanage, tapping my foot on he floor impatiently. We've been waiting here for hours, though Kai won't tell me why yet. The others are all long gone, walking around the shops to pass the time, but I know they're all impatient. They text me constantly, leaving at least 10 messages on my phone at all times. Sighing, I open them now:


     R u in yet???


      Y is this takin so long????


      Did Kai break yet?


       Tell them to hurry up the suspense is killin me!!!


       Can u FaceTime us or something? Chanyeol won't leave me alone!


       Are u done? Yeol won't shut up!


       Are u in? Come on Chen, we need answers! Kai won't reply to me!


       If u don't respond to Mr Happy Virus is gonna break something


       Chanyeol needs a child leash



        I smile at the last one and lean over, showing it to Kai. The cone of his mouth lifts in a smile as he looks back forward, saying, "Just FaceTime him already, god."

      I smile widely at him and plug in my headphones, putting them on. I pull up FaceTime and call Luhan, and a few seconds later his face pops up. "Well finally!" He yells as Sehun and Xiumin appear by his sides, "What took you so long?" I shrug and hold a finger to my lips, saying, "Shh, let me call the others."

    Luhan's troops shut up as I quickly add Kris to the conversation. While I wait for him to respond I also add Baekhyun, who answers immedietly. "Are you in yet?" Tao asks, appearing next to Baekhyun as Kris picks up. Questions fill my ears as the last five guy's faces appear: "Are you in?" "What's happening?" "Where's Kai?" "Can we come yet?"

     The door in the orphanage suddenly opens, and a man walks in, looking at Kai and I. I silence the guys on my phone as the man says, "Are you Kai and Chen?" Kai nods and nudges my shoulder, standing. I pull one headphone off my ear and stand, running after Kai and the man. He begins to lead us down a hallway when Tao speaks.

    "Where are you going?" He asks, "Show us!" I quickly hit the back camera button so the others can see what I see. I held up my phone as the man led us into a small office area with a desk and a few chairs. He beckons for us to sit and I do, following Kai, sitting next to him.

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