Chapter 22

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I haven't updated in a what's good Wattpad? How's your evening or morning depending on where you are? How's mine? Mine's quite lovely, thanks for asking!:) Anyway I'll shut up and let you read:) Please enjoy!

@Littledeer120 asked this question:

What would Kali do if she caught Chanyeol cheating on her?

Kali's Answer:

    Well, I'm not sure what I would do, but I'm pretty sure he wouldn't cheat on me. He said he loves me more than anything and can't bear to lose me, so he wouldn't do that, right? He's not that kind of person.

Author's Answer:

     Kali would become more mad then she'd let on. She would most likely break up with Chanyeol, though it breaks her heart, and go and see who he's cheating on her with. I can assure you one thing though: that won't happen.

I hope I answered your question! Now please enjoy!


~D.O's P.O.V.~

       I opened my eyes to see someone's face. "Kali?" She grins at me, winking. "You made it! Good job!" I blink at her, confused. "What?"

       She grabbed my arm and pulled me into a sitting position, frowning. "Don't you remember?" I raise an eyebrow. "Remember what? All I remember is this crazy dream...." My eyes widen suddenly. "Wait, that was a dream, right?"

       "Kali! D.O!" Suho's voice yells from outside the room, "Let us in!" "Give us a few more minutes!" Kali yells back before looking back at me. "Yeah, D.O, that was all real, but you made it. You were only out for a minute.  Everyone's alright and the house is, too." I looked at her with wide eyes and asked in a whisper,  "What's going on?"

         "Well," She said, biting her lip, "Somehow, my powers have been taken from me and put into you. I don't know how, but now I must teach you how to use them." I blinked. "I have your powers?" She nodded. "Yeah. That's how you saw all that ice earlier. You were scared."

         I nod, then look around the room. "How come something's not happening now? I'm really confused." She smiles, then points down at my arm, where her hand was clasped firmly around my wrist.  "That's the thing. I'm immune to your powers like Chen was to mine." I sighed in relief. "Wow, that's helpful." She laughed, nodding. "Yep. But you need to learn how to control your powers yourself. And I'm just the person to teach you."


The End of Book 1

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