Chapter 16

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Happy late Birthday Xiumin oppa! I love you and hope you had a great day!

~No One's P.O.V.~

"Guys!" Baekhyun yelled, running down the stairs, "We have a BIG PROBLEM!!!!!" Kris looked up from his book. "Yeah?" "It's Chanyeol," Baek said, his eyes wide with panic, "He's jumped out of the window. I think he's headed for the alley." Terror filled Kris's chest as images of TOP and Tao, bruised and bloodied, filled his head. "Why is he going there?" "Seriously Kris? He's going to try and save Kali!"

Kris's eyes widened in shock as Chen walked into the room. "What's wrong guys?" Chen asked, but Kris just shook my head. "Shut up and get in the car." Chen looked suprised as Kris stood up and ran past him. "Come in Chen," Baekhyun said as he grabbed Chen's wrist, pulling him after Kris, "I'll tell you on the way, just come on!"

Baek and Chen got in the car and Kris started it, pulling out of the driveway. (A/N I dont think Kris can actually drive but in this he can so there:)) "Keep an eye out for Chanyeol," Kris said, "He could be anywhere." "What do you mean?" Chen asked, worry staining his voice. "Chanyeol jumped out his window and started running for the woods," Baekhyun explained quickly, "I think he might be headed toward the alley."

Chen's eyes widened suddenly. "Kris, there he is!" They all turned to see Chanyeol on the sidewalk, waving at them. Kris quickly pulled the car over to the side of the road, rolling down the window. "Chanyeol, get in!" He yelled as Chanyeol ran over to the car, pulling open the door. Chen quickly pulled his friend in as Baek shut the door, narrowly missing Chanyeol's foot.

"Yeol, what were you thinking?" Kris scolded as he began to drive back home, "You could have gotten yourself killed!" "I'm sorry," Chanyeol mumbled, leaning his head against Chen's shoulder and shutting his eyes, "I needed to run." "Yeah, but you could of at least told us first!" Baekhyun said, "You nearly gave me a heart attack!"

"Sorry..." Chanyeol mumbled again. Suddenly the world swirled to black as Chanyeol slumped forward. Baekhyun caught him just before he hit the hard floor of the car, yelping in suprise. Chen helped him pull Chanyeol back onto the seat just as Kris pulled into the driveway. He turned around, his eyes widening at the scene in the backseat. "What the heck happened?"
"Chanyeol fainted or something," Chen said worriedly, "We need to get him to Lay!"


~Kali's P.O.V.~

I opened my eyes to see Jonghyun looking at me worriedly, a roll of gauze in his hands. "Why the face?" I asked, my voice rough as sandpaper, "You shouldn't let an expression like that ruin your pretty face!" He gave me a small smile. "Glad your keeping your sense of humor. How you feeling?"

I froze for a moment, confused. "Wait, what?" "I said, how are you feeling?" "What do you mean how am I feeling?" I said, my eyes wide, I'm your prisoner, for God's sake!" "Shh!" Jonghyun yelped, clamping a hand over my mouth, "they'll hear you!"

I tried to bite his hand and yanked on my chains, making pain shoot down my sides. His eyes widened with worry as i winced and he stood up, walking over to a lever. He pulled it, and once again the chains released my wrists, making them fall to the floor. I immedietly pulled my arms in to my sides, hugging my injured body. When I didn't feel my shirt I looked down, my eyes widening at what I saw.

My entire chest was wrapped in tight gauze laid by carefull hands. My arms and legs now barely had any bruises, and all my cuts were almost gone. I looked up at Jonghyun in suprise, an idea lighting up in my head. "Wait, did you do this?" He smiled at me and nodded proudly. "Yup, I did! I've been watching Jones's healer for a while and learned some of his tricks. And, well, working for Jones does have some good things to it. Watch this!"

Jonghyun took my hand, holding my arm out in front of me. He held his other hand over one of my cuts and closed his eyes. His hand lit up in gold light and suddenly, my cut was gone! I looked up at him in shock as he reopens his eyes, leaning against the wall. "You can heal?" He nods, smiling weakly. "Yeah, I can. Not for nothing, though."

I suddenly noticed that Jonghyun had become really pale, and he looked exausted. He wasn't like that a few moments ago, was he? "Hey, are you alright?" "Yeah, I'm fine, just a bit tired..." His eyelids fluttered and he suddenly slumped forward, his body going limp. I yelped, catching him just before he hit the ground. "Jonghyun," I said worriedly, shaking his shoulder gently, "Wake up. Jonghyun!" Crap.


Sorry, there's a lot of fainting in this chapter:):):)

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