Chapter 13

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~Kali's P.O.V.~
(Language: Korean)

      "Chanyeol," I said as he walked into my room, "I know what you're going to do. There's no way you're changing my mind." He ignored me and walked  up to me, pulling me to his chest. He buried his head in my neck, and I heard a sob escape his lips. "Oh my god, Chanyeol..."

      "You can't go Kali," he said softly as I felt a hot tear drip down my neck, "I can't live without you." "Chanyeol--" "I love you, Kali," he said, lifting his head and looking into my eyes, "and I couldn't handle it if you were getting hurt." My jaw drops at his sudden confession. "I-i love you to Chanyeol," I looked down, pulling out of his grip, "And if I don't do this two people will die. I need to do this, Chanyeol. You're not changing my mind." With that, I turned around and walked out of the room, leaving him alone.


《《11:51 pm.》》

      I got out of the car and started to walk towards the alley, ignoring the worried looks I got from the boys. They weren't making this any easier.

      As all of us reached the alley I spotted a group of people at the end: Jack Jones, three of his cronies and two slumped figures. Guilt filled my chest as I saw the state TOP and Tao were in. This is all my fault. If I had handed myself over earlier, we wouldn't be in this mess. Tao and TOP wouldn't be hurt, and Chanyeol wouldn't love me...

      "Ahh, so you came!" Jones called as we stopped a few yards away from them, "It's nice to see you! Are you ready to trade?" Suho nodded, his eyes hard. "Yes, we are." Jones smiled. "Good!"

        Jones turned and motioned to his cronies, who came forward and shoved Tao and TOP, making them fall to the hard concrete. TOP lifted his head and smiled at us weakly, but his smile faded when he saw me. Tao did not move.

        Jones smiled wickedly at me as his cronies pulled out guns, aiming at the boys on the ground. "You come over here willingly and they won't shoot. We have a problem and they die. Got it?" I nodded, looking him dead in the eye. "Can I at least say goodbye?" Jones's eyes flashed, signaling my answer: quickly.

       Before I could move I felt arms snake around my waist. I turned to see Chen hugging me, tears in his eyes. "I'm so sorry Kali," his said, his lip trembling, "I'm so sorry!" I hugged him back, resting my head on his shoulder. "Don't apologize Chennie, it's not your fault." The rest of the guys quickly surrounded us, giving me hugs and saying tearful goodbyes.

       As I was about to walk back I felt a hand clamp onto my wrist. I turned around to see Chanyeol, and my heart ached. Neither of us said a word, just stared into each other's eyes. I took both of his hands and squeezed them, giving him a small smile. Just before I let go I kissed him on the cheek and pressed something into his palm, knowing he would understand what it was when he opened it.

     Blinking my tears away I turned around, putting my back to my family. Taking a deep breath I walked towards Jones, clasping my hands behind my back. I was almost there when I heard a scream.

      "No, Kali, no!" Someone cried, making me whirl around. I saw Xiumin being held back by Kris and Luhan as tears streamed down his face. "No, Kali," he cried, "You can't go, they'll kill you!"

      His words ripped at my heart but I had already formed a cold exterior. I stared at him, emotionless, for a moment and turned back to Jones. "Go now Chen," I said loudly, "Get them out of here." I heard him hesitate and yelled, "Now!"

       I heard the scuffle of feet and turned to see the boy's running away, with Sehun holding Tao, GD and Lay helping TOP and Kris and Luhan dragging Xiumin.

    "Put the guns away boys," I said coldly, focusing on the men in front of me once again, "and we'll go on our merry way, ok? If not," I lifted my hand, focusing my anger on my palm. Suddenly, my hand lit up in fire and I grinned wickedly,  looking at the cronies, "I'll have to make toast."

     The cronies looked at Jones and he nodded. Cautiously the men put their guns away, looking back to Jones. He nodded again and they suddenly jumped forward, grabbing me. Within seconds I was on my knees, handcuffs around my wrists and a gag in my mouth. I felt a needle stick into my skin and the world  swirled. I slumped over to the sidewalk and blacked out before my head hit the pavement.


Ugg, sorry my chapters are so SUCKY LATELY!!!! IT'LL BE BETTER NEXT TIME, I PROMISE!!!!!!!


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