Chapter 3

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~Kris's P.O.V.~
(Language: Korean)

     "Don't LEAVE ME!!!" Chanyeol yelled, ripping the phone out of my hands. Chen was silent for a moment but then said, "Sorry guys," as the line went dead. Suho growled in frustration as I put my phone back in my pocket. "Well what are we gonna do now?" He said, running his fingers through his hair. I shrugged. "I'm not sure." "Can we go meet them?" Chanyeol asked, hopeful, but Lay shook his head. "I bet they're inside somewhere, what good would it be to go?" Do nodded. "Yeah, we would just be stuck waiting. Why don't we meet up with the other guys for lunch or something? I'm starving!" We all nodded in agreement, and Chanyeol pulled out his phone, dialing Tao.


~Luhan's P.O.V.~

       "No, Chen, don't!" I cried as his phone lowered, showing only his dark jeans. "Don't LEAVE ME,!!!" Chanyeol cried from the other line as Chen said, "Sorry guys," The line went dead. Sehun looked at me in annoyance. "How come you keep getting hung up on?" He said, making me laugh. We had been FaceTimeing Baekhyun a while ago when he suddenly hung up and wouldn't reply when we called back. Sehun thought that it was my fault. It wasn't, but it's not like he's gonna let that go so easily.

       Suddenly, Xiumin's phone rang, making Sehun and I go silent. He pulled it out of his pocket and hit answer. "Hello?" He waited for a momemt, smiling. "Yeah, definetly, I'm starving!" He said, smiling widely. I exchanged glances with Sehun. Xiumin's always hungry. "Where would we go? The sushi place? Oh yeah, I love sushi!" He exclaimed, "But can you pay? Yeah, I'm broke. No, not always!" He frowned. "Ok ok ok, I'll get Luhan to." I raised my eyebrow at him, but he ignored me. "Yep, we'll meet you there. I know, Kris, I'm not five. Ok, ok, bye!" He hung up the phone and looked at Sehun and I, smiling. "We're going to the sushi place down the street," he said, "And Luhan gets to pay!"


~ Tao's P.O.V.~

     "No, we need to hear!" Baekhyun cried as the screen went black. "Sorry guys," Chen said, hanging up. I sighed in frustration as Baekhyun threw his phone into his pocket, frowning. "Why does he always have to hang up just as things get good?" I shrug, opening my mouth to respond, but my phone rings.

    I pull it out, looking at the contact. Chanyeol. I look up at Baekhyun and say, "It's Chanyeol." He nods, saying, "Ok, well answer it already!" I smile and hit answer, raising it to my ear.

    "Hey Chan, what's up?" I say into the phone. "Chan? Is that supposed to be my new nickname now?" I shrug but then realize he can't see me. "I dunno, if you want it to be." He laughs. "You pick. But anyway, all the guys are going to the sushi place down the street for lunch. You and Baekhyun wanna come?" I laugh. "Obviously. Who's paying?" "Luhan." I gasp. "Seriously?" "I guess, that's what Kris said." I heard someone talk to him and him reply back. "Sorry Tao, the waitress is here, I gotta go, but u guys meet us there ok?" "Yeah," I said, "Meet ya there. Bye!" "Bye"

    I hang up and look at Baekhyun, who's waiting impatiently. "Well?" He says, jumping lightly on the balls of his feet, "What did he want?" "Luhan's treating us to lunch at the sushi place. Come on, we've gotta get there, they're already sitting down." He nods, and we both set off in a run towards the best place for sushi.


~Chen's P.O.V.~

     The man leads us all the way out the orphanage and to the door, ushering us out quickly. We didnt even have to sign palers or anything, just talk, get the girl and leave. It's like he didn't want us there anymore.

     Kai opened the back door of our car for me, and I carefully layed the girl in the backseat, pulling the seat belt over her chest. Kai put a white acoustic guitar in the seat next to her and shut the door. I raise my eyebrow and got into the passenger seat while Kai got in the front, starting the car. I looked over to him as he pulled away from the curb. "Why do we have a guitar?" He shrugged. "It was in the girl's room, so I thought I should grab it." I nod, looking down. "Oh." Suddenly,  I remember something.

    "How come you didn't tell me any of this?" I demand, glaring at him, "I looked like such an idiot!" "No you didn't," he said calmly, "and our manager said not to tell you. Or anyone, for that manner." "Why? He can trust us!" I thought for a moment. "Well, trust me!"

    Kai laughed. "I know, but he just said not to tell anyone." The car was silent for a few minutes. I glance back at the girl, who now looks like she's only alseep. "So what's her name?" "Look it up," he says, handing me a yellow folder. I opened it and pulled out the first page. It had a picture of the girl clipped to it, and it had some writing on it, all in English. (A/N I'm not sure if Chen and Kai can read English but in this book they can't) "It's in English," I said, "It's can't read english!" Kai frowned, looked over at the paper. "Do you think she can?" "It's hope so."

    Kai pulled into the driveway of the house, and my phone lit up with a text from Do: "The guys and I are going out for lunch. Meet u back at the house?" I replied back: "K see u there" I reported what Do said as we got out of the car.

    I opened the back door and carefully picked the girl back up, carrying her to the house. Kai grabbed the guitar and shut the car door, running to catch up with me. He unlocked the door to the house and ushered me inside, looking around. "Bring her to your room, we can't let the others see her yet." I give him a confused look. "Why not?" He gave me a glare. "Didn't we just go over that?" I frown. "Not really, but I'll take her anyway."

    I carry the girl up the stairs and to my room, laying her on the bed. "Luckily," I say to the girl,  "I don't share a room with any of the other guys so they shouldn't be able to find you unless they come in, which is probably why locks were invented." I pulled the satchel off my neck and set it on the bed next to the girl, picking up the yellow folder again. I pulled out the first page and stared at it hard, trying to make out something, anything. "God," I mutter under my breath, "I only want to know your name!" "Kali," a voice says from behind me, making my jump and spin around, "My name's Kali." The girl's awake.


Hope y'all enjoyed!

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