Chapter 14

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~Kali's P.O.V.~
(Language: Korean)

      "Get up girl!" Someone yelled, smacking my head. I groaned and opened my eyes, looking around groggily. I was in a room on my knees, my hands hanging above my head by two chains conneted to the corners of one side of the room. My ankles shackled to the floor, and there was a gag stuffed into my mouth. Wow, I thought, I thought these guys would at least be more advanced in their chaining up of people.

       "Ahh, good, you're awake!" Someone said, making me look up, "Hi, Kali, right? It's nice to meet you! I'm Jonghyun, by the way, but you can call me Jonghyun. Do you have any questions before we begin?"

        I growled at him through the gag, making him laugh. "Oh yeah, I forgot you were gagged." He walked over to me and began to untie the rough cloth. "I'm only doing this cause no matter how much you scream, no one will come help you." He pulled the gag out of my mouth and looked at me expectantly, waiting for me to scream. I kept quiet. I don't need saving, at least not yet anyway.

       "So, you got any questions before we begin?" Jonghyun asked as he put the gag on a table. I nodded, clearing my throat, but my voice came out dry and cracked. "Why do you work for Jones?" He looks suprised at my question. "What, you think I have a reason?" I nod, making him look down. "Uh, well you're right, I do. If I don't, you know, help Jones, he said he's gonna....kill Taemin." I raised my eyebrow. "Taemin?" "Someone I know, ok? Just forget it, you're ruining my image. Any other questions?" I shook my head, making him grin evilly. Panic fills my chest as he says, "Alright then, let's begin!"


《《A Few Days Later》》

~Baekhyun's P.O.V.~

       "Tao, it's not your fault." "I know it's not, but it feels like it is." I was in Tao's room as he lay in his bed, unable to get up. He had only woken up yesterday and the hospital had let him out this morning, sentencing him to a week of bed rest.

       "Is there any way she can come home?" Tao asked, his eyes hopeful, "Like will he let her out?" I shook my head, my heart breaking at the sight of his doing the same. "No Tao, there's not. There's no way we can save her. If there was, she would be here by now."

      He nodded, tears forming in his eyes. "If I hadn't been so loud, maybe they wouldn't have found us--" "Tao, it really isn't your fault! There wasn't a way we could have avoided this!" "But--"

      "Baekhyun hyung is right," Kai said, coming into the room with two plates of food, "We couldn't have avoided this. Here," he hands Tao a plate, "D.O wants you to eat this. Baekhyun," he hands me the other, "D.O wants you give this to Chanyeol. Maybe you can convince him to eat?" I nodded, standing. "Yeah, I'll try. Thanks Kai."

      I took the plate of steaming food up the stairs and towards Chanyeol's room, patting Sehun's back on the way. Chanyeol hadn't come out of his room since Kali had gone, and he had refused to do anything--eat, sleep, talk, nothing. All he did was sit and stare out the window. I'm getting really worried now, for we just lost a member of our family--I don't want to loose another, especially my best friend.

     I reached his door and knocked lightly. "Yeollie?" There was no response, as usual. "Yeollie, I have food!" No response again. I sighed, turning the door knob and walking in. Chanyeol was on his bed, staring at something in his hands with a look on his face. He looked up as I entered but quickly looked down again, avoiding my eyes.

     I sat down on the bed next to Chanyeol, attempting to push the plate of food into his hands. "Yeollie please eat," I said softly, "You're loosing weight." He pushed the plate away, keeping his eyes down. "Yeollie, please, I don't want you to starve! Chanyeol, please." He shook his head, pushing away the plate again.

     I put the plate down on his desk and sighed, running a hand through my hair. "Yeollie, you're going to--" I looked back at him and my words died in my throat. "Oh, Chanyeol!"

    Chanyeol's bottom lip was shaking as he looked down at the thing in his hands, and a single tear had fallen down his face. I quickly wrapped my arms around him, my chest lurching with sadness. I felt his chest shutter as he began to sob, collapsing into my arms like a watery mess.

    "Shh, it's alright, I miss her too," I said softly, rubbing his back, "we'll get her back." "Will we?" He said suddenly, sitting up and staring at me. I nodded, suprised he was suddenly talking. "We will, I promise." He gave me a small smile and nodded, looking down again.

     I heard D.O call me from downstairs and yelled back to him. "I got to go right now Yeollie," I said as I stood, picking up the plate of food and putting it in his hands, "You eat this now, ok?" He didn't respond, setting the plate on the table again. I sighed and turned around as he looked out the window, mute once more. "Call me if you need me, ok?" I said as I walked out of the room.

     I didn't get very far down the hall before I heard a loud crash behind me. Panic filled my chest as I turned around quick, running back into Chanyeol's room. It was empty, with a vase broken on the floor and the window wide open. I ran over to the window and looked out just as a tall figure disappeared into the woods.Oh no...




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