Chapter 21

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HELLO IM BACK!!!!:):):) I've been really sick lately so I haven't been able to update but I'm back now! I only got one question so far but I'll answer it anyway:)

To: Chanyeol


How much do you love Kali?

I love her enough that I'd be willing to die for her. If she ever dies I don't think I'd be able to live without her. The mere thought of her getting hurt makes my heart ache. That's why I plan to track Jack Jones down and make him pay for what he did to her. I hope that answered your question!

Anyway though thanks for the question @ashley_magcon_

Please enjoy!


~Kali's P.O.V.~

"What's happening to me?" D.O's terrified voice yells from inside the room, making me freeze for a moment. How could this have happened? Why does he have them and not me?

I quickly squirm my way out of Chanyeol's arms and run into the room before anyone can stop me, throwing the door shut behind me. I skid on the ice on my knees all the way to D.O, who's crouched in the middle of the room with his hands covering his ears. "D.O!"

D.O looks up at me and the look in his eyes shows pure terror. "What's going on?" He cries loudly, "What am I doing?" "Calm down D.O!" I say as calmly as I can, "It will stop once you calm down." "How???" He cries, making a large icicle shoot up from the ground just inches from my face. My eyes widen with shock as I look over at him, who has frozen with fear. "D.O!"

"Kali!" I hear someone yell from outside, "What's going on? I'm coming in!" "NO!" D.O yells, lifting his hand. Suddenly, water shoots out of his palm and lands on the door lock, freezing it shut. "D.O!" I yell, for I know what's coming, "Stop!" He looks at his hands and then back at me as large sheets of ice began to cover the door.

I clench my teeth and grab his shoulder as an icicle breaks the window, focusing on my powers. D.O's eyes suddenly roll back up into his head and he falls forward onto me, the snowstorm around us stopping cold. I grin triumphantly as I catch him, hugging him tightly. "I did it D.O," I whisper even though I know he can't hear me, "I saved you! You're going to be ok, I promise!"

"Kali! D.O!" Someone yells again, making me jump, "Let us in!" "One second!" I yell back, carefully sliding a now deeply sleeping Kyungsoo to the floor. Once I make sure he's alright I stand up but crouch again, setting my palms on the floor. Closing my eyes I take a deep breath and think: Absorb.

Suddenly, I smile as I hear all the ice melting, the power seeping into my palms and spreading throughout my entire body. I let out a giggle as I'm filled with energy and laugh as I hear my ribs crack, going back into place and healing.

When I open my eyes again D.O's room is back to normal, not a single drop of water anywhere. I smile again, taking D.O's hand and squeezing it. "I did it!" I whisper again before letting go and standing up, "Yay me!"


:):):):):) Questions anyone?

BTW I also have a kpop oneshot book that I have no requests for at the moment so if u wanna give me one that'd be DAEBAEK!!!!! Thanks, love y'all sooo much, byeee!

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