Chapter 15

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Hola peoples! I just wanted to tell y'all that I have a one shot book that needs requests so if you could go check that out I'd LOVE YA FOREVER!!!!!!!!! Thanks, have a nice day, and enjoy!!!


~Kali's P.O.V.~
(Language: Korean)

"Hey, wakey wakey Kali!" Someone called, patting my cheek, "I'll it's time to get up!" My eyes fluttered open, my vision blurry. When I blinked this time, it didn't clear.

"I can't have you passing out all the time during our sessions!" Someone continued, "It's very inconvenient." Jonghyun.

"Hey, are you even listening to me?" He yelled, bending down in front of me. Wait, who was his friend? "Kali, how many fingers am I holding up?" I swallowed hard, wincing as pain spasms down my back. "Um, four?" That makes Jonghyun groan. "Ugg,, come on, we were just getting to the fun part!"

Jonghyun and his friend stood up in perfect sinc and walked over to one of the walls. They hit a lever and the chains around my wrists suddenly released, making me fall to the floor. "I'll give you a day off," Jonghyun said, "but then it's back to work." And with that, he was gone.

Groaning at the pain in my back I slowly pushed myself up off the floor. My vision spinning I quickly leaned against the wall, sliding down to the floor again. My double vision was giving me a large headache so I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath. When I opened my eyes again I had two hands, not four.

I lifted up a hand to rub my face but froze as I saw my arm: it was covered with a rainbow of bruises. Feeling my eyes widen I pushed myself off the floor, I walked over to the mirror wall. I know Jones could see me from the other side but at the moment, I didn't care. I needed to see what Jonghyun did to me.

Once I reached the wall I looked at my reflection, smiling at what I saw. Yeah, I had bruises on every inch of visible skin, a gash above my right eye and a limp but hey, I looked strong. I can handle this. This is nothing.

"Hey Jones, like what you see?" I said loudly, crossing my arms. Pain immedietly shot through my body at the movement. I bit back a yelp, pulling my arms away. Let's not do that again.

"I know you can hear me Jones," I said, placing a hand on the mirror, "And I'm not planning on telling you anything about my father." Apparently Jones and my dad are aiming for the same conclusion in their works, but they don't see eye to eye. Jones wants information about my dad that I don't have, but he thinks I do. So he thinks beating me is the best way to "get it out".

"Hey Jonghyun, you ther?!" I called, an idea popping into my head, "Wanna see what you're causing? I'll show you! Hope ya aren't the queasy type!" With one hand I lifted up my tattered shirt, revealing the bloody black and blue mess that was my side. I heard a faint gasp from the other side of the wall and suddenly burst out laughing. Pain spasms down my sides at my sudden outburst but honestly, I didn't care. It was just too funny.

I heard the door open again but I kept on laughing, clutching my stomach. A hand suddenly threw my head to the side, a needle sunk into my skin, and all I saw was blackness.


~Chanyeol's P.O.V.~

Running. That's what I'm doing. Running. Running until I can no more, until my legs collapse out from under me and I die of exhaustion. Until I forget about Kali and can go on with my life.

Suddenly, a loud honk yanked me from my thoughts as a large truck swerved, narrowly missing me. Yelping I jumped out of the road and onto the sidewalk, just missing another car. I leaned over and put my hands on my knees, breathing hard. Good job Chanyeol,  you almost killed yourself.

"Chanyeol oppa?" Someone said, making me look up. It was a girl, probably around 13, looking at me with concern. "Are you alright oppa?" "Uh yeah," I replied, straightening and rubbing my face, "I'm alright." "Are you sure?" She asked, "Cause you don't look alright. Here, how about I buy you a drink and you tell me?" I gave her a small smile and nodded. "Ok."

The girl led me into a coffee shop nearby and told me to sit down while she got drinks. I found a seat in the back away from the windows and sat down, running a hand through my hair. I still hadn't completely caught my breath and my legs were burning from their unexpected workout.

"So oppa," the girl said, handing me a cup of steaming coffee, "What's the matter?" I looked down at my drink, hesitating for a moment. "Well, a few days ago I lost the girl love." Her eyes widened. "Oppa has a girlfriend?" I gave her a small smile but shook my head. "No, not exactly. I was going to ask her to be, but she had to leave for our safety." The girl nodded, looking down. "Well, is there any way you can get her back?" I bit my lip. "I don't know."

"Did she give you anything maybe before she left?" She asks, taking a sip of her drink. I'm about to shake my head when I remember the idem. "Yeah, she gave me this..." I reach into my pocket and pull out the locket Kali gave me moments before she left(Picture above). "I've been looking at this for days, trying to figure out what it means, but I'm not sure."

The girl nodded, holding out her hand so she could see it. I gave it to her and she looked at it closely, pulling out her phone. She hit a few things on her phone, glanced at the locket, and looked back up at me. "You know your compass is broken, right?" She said. My eyes widened. "What?" "Yeah, it's not pointing north, it's pointing somewhere else. Look, my phone proves it." She turned them both towards me. Sure enough, my locket compass was pointing a completely wrong direction. 

"Maybe this is the kind of compass that leads you to something? Like to its partner?" The girl asks as she hands the locket back to me. I shrugg. "I'm not su--"

Suddenly, everything clicks. I know why Kali gave me this. The compass, on the locket, isn't going to lead me north. It's going to lead me to the one thing I want--her.



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