•The Doofus•

69 15 13

January 13: The Hospital, The Doofus, The Wreck

Dad walks in with Ezrynn barley hanging onto his back, and him carrying Camden like a baby.
"What'd you give these two?!" He wonders, sitting Camden down on the chair to the left and Ezrynn the one on the right.
"What'd you do to them?" I retort.
"Ezrynn was asleep with that boy sleeping on her lap..." He gives me the evil eye. I put my hands up in mock surrender. "Anyway, Camden must've fell asleep on the way here..."
"He has a history of blacking out." Megan tells Dad.
"Is that right?"
"Yes. From when his dad died."
"Look at them. They're the perfect match, both gone through some tragedy." Dad points out. He's such a softie.
"A shame, really." Megan says.
"So how're you two feeling?"
"Fine, thank you, Mr. Lea."
"Call me Thomson. Please."
"Okay. I'm doing great, Thomson, thank you."
"What about you, Corbs?"
"Fine...I guess."
Dad embraces me and pats my back. "It's okay, son. You're okay."
"Thanks, Dad."
"Where're your moms?" Dad asks Megan and I.
"Said they'd be in the food court."
"Thanks. Can you two look after Ezrynn and Camden?"
"Of course, Mr-I mean Thomson."
"Yep." I reply.
"Thanks, guys. I'll be back soon."
"Can you bring me dinner?" I call after him.
"Yes. Are you hungry, Megan?"
"Yes, thank you."
"I should get them some, too, shouldn't I?" He asks about Ezrynn and Camden.
"To be safe."

Camden wakes first.
He opens his eyes, and once he registers where he is, they bulge. He jumps up in his chair.
"Camden, you're okay." Megan says.
"Megan? You're okay?"
"Why are you in the hospital?"
"Corbin and I got in a wreck."
"Are you hurt?"
"Not at all."
I clear my throat.
"Well, we're okay, the drunk guy isn't...they're not sure he'll live."
Camden's eyes fill with hatred when he hears the guy was drunk.
"He doesn't deserve to be."
"Camden, you don't know the whole story." Megan informs him. "Maybe-"
"What?! He decided to get drunk. He knew he had to get home somehow. He should've gotten a Cab. Should've kept some money for the ride, should've gotten a police escort, something. Anything."
"What if he was home? What if he was super drunk and he decided he needed something, like toilet paper. He wasn't in his right mind, didn't really know what was going on, so he decided to go get some from the store. Then he runs into us."
"Exactly! He runs into you! There's no excuse."
"Camden, bud-"
"Why're you defending him? You could've died. You know that? Just like my dad, you could've died."
"...is that why you fainted? Because of Uncle--because of your dad?"
"Not really. I was worried about you." He tells Megan with the most feeling in his eyes ever. "And you." He tells me.
I...I think I like Camden.
"We're fine, dude." I assure him. "Come check it out."
Megan and I show him our cuts from the broken glass. Megan shows him her bruised foot.
"Is it broken?" Camden wonders.
"I don't know." She answers. "They took an x-ray. I haven't gotten the results yet. I'm on pain meds, though." She tells him.
"Which of you was driving?"
"Me." I answer. He nods.

Ezrynn wakes next.

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