Chapter 29: Veronica's First Person POV

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February 19:

Megan came home a couple days ago with a broken foot and a cold.
Guess how she got it!
She spent the night in the woods.
With Corbin.
Guess how much trouble she got in!

"Mr. Lea's daughter was in the hospital again yesterday." Dad says conversationally at the breakfast table. Megan drops her fork.
"If you ask me, I think she's faking it. Wanting attention, you know? What with Mr. Lea's busy job of a principal and what not."
"She's not." Megan, Zola, and I say this in unison.
Dad looks up from the spreading of his jam.
"How would you three know what's in that girl's head? I think she's a little mentally ill, if you were to ask me." Mom inputs her two sense.
"We didn't." Megan says through gritted teeth.
"And that Corbin kid. Have you seen his grades?"
"They're perfect! Straight A's!" Megan protests.
"Exactly my point! They did something wrong with that other girl."
"Ezrynn is her name." Zola shoots Mom a glare.
"And you have no idea what she's been through!" Megan adds.
"Well, apparently too much, it's done some damage to that head of hers."
Megan's chair scoots back with a squeak.
"I'm driving to school today. I'll see you...people when I get back."
"Megan, wait up! I'm coming with!" I tell her.
"You'd better hurry!" She calls over her shoulder.
"I'm leaving, too. Good'ay to you." She nods half a nod to Mom and Dad.

"Where're we going?"
"The Lea's."
"Because I want to know what's going on with Ezrynn."
"Makes sense."

Megan knocks on the wooden door of the Leas.
When I see who answers, all hope or knowledge that Ezrynn was perfectly fine drain from me, and I'm left worried and sick to my stomach about the timid little girl.
"Hello, may I help you?" Mrs. Lea asks.
"Is Corbin home?" Megan attempts a sweat voice but fails terribly, looking over Mrs. Lea's shoulder to try and find someone beside the old which.
"Sorry, I don't think he's free at the moment. Come back later?"
"No, it's important now." And Megan shoves past the woman in order to get through to who she needs to see.
"Uh...can I get through?" I ask while doing the same as my sister.
"Sorry about my sisters' poor manners, Mrs. Lea. May I enter?"
"I don't think it's wise, the kids are--"
Zola shoves past the protestant woman.
I trail after Megan as she races up the stairs.
She knocks on one of the hallway doors, says, "Corbin, it's Megan," and waits for his answer.
He opens quickly, surprised to find not only his girlfriend but also her little sisters.
"Uh...Megan, Zola, Onica. How's your...morning been?"
"Great, fantastic, we need to talk." Megan walks past Corbin to his bed. She pats it to show Zola and I that we can sit, too.
We do so, and so does a confused Corbin.
"What brings you girls here?"

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