•Chapter Five: Ezrynn•

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January 11:
I lay with my eyes open, thinking. Algebra homework was easy...History class was fun today...band was a blast! The concert will be extravagant...Lunch...Language Arts...Science...Lunch...
There was something about him...Camden was his name.

I can't sleep, so I decide to see if Corbin is awake.
As I knock, the door opens anyway.
"Oh!" He startled me!
"Oh, hello, Ezrynn." He looks me in the eye. "Are you okay? Is there something you want to tell me? Is someone...hurting you?" And if there was, Corbin would've murdered them.
"No. Actually, the opposite. See, there's this boy-"
"A boy? Do you like him?" He wiggles his eyebrows at me.
"No!" I say, giving him a playful push and folding my arms.
"Oh, Ezzie's got a crush!" He winks at me. I roll my eyes. "Come here." He squeezes me tight. "You want to come in?" He offers.
He grabs my hand, shuts the door behind us, and pulls me to his bed. I sit.
"So tell me the details." He asks.
"Because I have to see if that bozo's good enough for my sis."
"Why thank you, but he's not a bozo." I scold.
"Come on, Ezzie, stop stalling and spill!" He demands.
"Well...he wasn't gooey, like most of the guys. He likes to draw...he's sweet...it was his birthday..."
"Cut it out. You think he's cute." He raises an eyebrow.
"No!" He looks at me as if to say 'really?'. "Fine...he was good looking..."
"That's not it."
"Fine, he's hot! Drop dead gorgeous!"
"What's he look like?"
"He looks like Alex Pettyfer did when he played in 'I Am Number Four'."
"Hot." Corbin sums up. "Spicy." He revises. "Arousing." He decides. He might even go on on, but I don't want him to.
"Hey! I get it!"
"You really like this dude, don't you?"
"No! I mean...I don't know, I...I guess..." I blush.
"Awe! How cute!"
I get up to leave, but he convinces me otherwise.
"I'll stop! I will, I promise!"
"Fine. Now you need to tell me about your crush." I inform him.
"Okay, mine's got freckles, glasses, and frizzy red hair that resembles a lion's mane."
"Oh, how come you like her?"
"She doesn't exist."
"Corbin! Tell me really!"
"Fine. Mine hasn't got any of those features. I like her because she's sweet and I think she likes me."
"Who's she resemble?"
"Uh..." He thinks about it. "Kinda like a Scarlet Johansson and Emma Watson combined."
"Is she pretty?" I ask, skeptical. Would that be a good combination?
"Drop dead gorgeous!" He mocks me. "Hot. Spicy. Arousing. A total ball hardener-"
"Okay! I think that's enough!"
We both laugh, having taken "Human Growth and Development" multiple times.
"Hey, I'll show you something. But you can't rat, 'kay?" He tells me.
"Um..." I suddenly feel uncomfortable.
He pulls out a camera.
"Bought it with my birthday money." He informs me, gesturing to his camera.
"Here she is." He shows me a picture of literally the most beautiful girl on Earth. Wait-scratch that-the galaxy! And Corbin described her well, she looks like an Emma/Scarlet mash up.
"And here's what you need to keep a secret."
He shows me a picture of them kissing. The next picture they're tasting each other's mouths.
"Well, you get the picture." He says, putting his camera back. "But you don't get to show me pictures of you and Alex Pettyfer, you got that? I gotta meet him first."
"Why didn't I meet Emmalet,"[That's what I'll call her-Emma and Scarlet]"before you two hooked up?"
"Well, to be honest, you and I just started getting close like two days ago. I don't think it passed my mind to let you approve."
"Well can't I now?" He rolls his eyes. "What's her name?"
"I'll call her C.F.G." I tell him. "You need to take me to meet her."
"This is more than approval?"
"I've never met a high school-er. Besides you, of course."
"Well then, it's a date."
We laugh.
His grin slowly fades as he thinks. Soon, he asks:
"Ezzie...I...I don't want to bring back the past or anything-" Oh no. "But...what'd they do to you?"
I close my eyes. An onslaught of horrible memories flood my mind. A tear drops down my cheek before I notice it and can stop it from falling.
"Oh, Ezzie." He wraps me in his comforting arms. "I'm sorry." He whispers. "Shhhhh..."
And I'm asleep.

January 12:
I open my eyes and find myself in Corbin's bed.
Corbin himself is on the very edge, looking uncomfortable but content. And he's snoring very loudly.
I look at his alarm.
Seeing as I'll never get back to sleep with him sounding like a hibernating bear, I start to leave.
As I get up, he turns his hole body, still sleeping, and holds me like a teddy bear.
How will I get up, you ask?
I can't!
But he's not snoring anymore, so what the heck? I try and get some shut eye.
I look at the alarm again, seeing for how long I can sleep.
About forty minutes.

"Guys!" Corbin and I both jump. "It's 7:30! You should've been on the bus an hour ago!" It's Dad. "The bell'll ring in ten minutes! Up! Up, up, up!"
Corbin jumps out of bed and runs to the bathroom.
I, on the other hand, run to my room.
I grab a t-shirt and some jeans, socks and shoes. I grab a brush, my backpack, and saxophone.
"Coming!" I yell.
As I pass the hall bathroom, I smell something foul. Then I hear someone choking.
"Corbin, are you in there? Are you okay?"
"No!-" There's a puking noise.
I run to the kitchen to tell Dad.
"Dad, Corbin isn't feeling well."
"Where is he?"
"The restroom."
"Okay, thank you for telling me."
I follow him to the hall.
"Corbs-can you unlock the door for me, bud?"
"No!" He pukes again.
"Ezrynn, can you go and get me the screw driver from the garage, please?"
When I get back, the door's already opened.
"Ezrynn, did you two sleep together?"
"I won't even ask. Anyway. I don't think you should go to school today, you two were in close proximity, and he has... Something."
My stomach sinks.
At first, I don't know why it did, why I feel so sad. I don't like school.
But then I remember Camden.
He's weaved his way into my feelings. But why? I do not know. We've only had one conversation, and a short one at that.

Maybe Corbin won't be my only prince.

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