•Chapter Thirteen: Ezrynn•

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February 11:
"I do!"
"You really do?"
"I really, truly, positively, do!"
He laughs. "Well, why?"
"Because, she's SO nice! Look, she even showed me how I can read her stories!" I show him the paper Megan gave me. "AND she said that I could come to her house and do a bunch of crazy things with her to find out what I like. Oh-and she said we could write together. When I asked her if she could give me pointers she said YES!"
I sound ridiculous to myself, but I don't care.
He looks over at me, taking his eyes off of his task.
"Hey! Eyes on the road! I want to live to write!" That sounds funny. "I won't get to hang out with Megan if you kill us." He wiggles his eyebrows at me. "Nor will you..." I remind him. He rolls his eyes and watches the road again.
I miss her, and I know why. Because she's excellent, positively excellent!
"Do you know where she lives? She didn't give me her address. What if she forgets? What then?! She didn't even give me her number, anything, what happens if she forgets? When she forgets?"
"Ezrynn!" He cuts me off. "Take a chill pill, alright? I know all that stuff. I'm her boyfriend." And I wink at him.
"I'm her girlfriend." I joke.

When I get home, I ask Dad if I can go on his computer; I type in the website Megan gave me, her website.
And I read her books.
They are fantasy, but they're relatable. I guess it's because her characters have...some sort of problem, all of them.
I have mine, too.
Sometimes her characters are irrational, mistakes we all make but in a more fascinating way.
Sometimes her characters are geniuses, a thing we can all do, metaphorically, and this character does them, and things turn out great.
Just little life lessons all hidden in action-packed geniusness.
I love it!
I'm going to love hanging out with her!

Then I see it. On one of her chapters, an illustration.
One that Camden drew, and I know it. Not because I've seen his work, but because...well, he signed it.
It's a demon. He talked about that with me.
What happened to him? Why hasn't he been at school? I know where he is other wise, Dad told us; he's homeschooled.
But why?
And does Megan know Camden?
What'd that change the way I thought about her? Would it? Does it?
No. She's her own person, and an amazing one at that.

I miss Camden. And Megan.

Her Dark ShadowOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz