•Chapter Eight: Ezrynn•

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January 13:
Corbin and I are on strict bed rest.
We aren't in either of our rooms, but the guest room, because Dad says he "doesn't want the germs to spread."
So, he and Mom sanitised each of our living spaces.
Mom hasn't been home much, doing what lawyers do, but came to help Dad take care of us.
"I would kiss you both, but, you know." She had said with a wink. "Love you!"

"You never told me her real name." I say to break the silence.
"Don't play dumb."
"Oh! Her! But I did too. 'Corbin's-Freaking-Girlfriend.' Seriously. We legally changed it. We would've mine, too, but Dad wouldn't allow me to be called, 'Corbin's-Freaking-Girlfriend's-Boyfriend.' I would've pushed it, but it's kind've a mouth full, you know?" He explains.
"So what was her name before the change?" He looks at me. And sighs.
"If you tell a soul I will snap each and every one of your fingers and get you a dog and make it eat them. You understand?"
I roll my eyes. "I understand."
"Her name's Ky."
I choke back a sob. Ky've been six, now...
Corbin didn't notice, and I'm a little glad. He doesn't know about Ky.
"Well, her real name's Kyla, but she likes to be called Ky."
"I like Kyla." I say, a sniffle. Because it's a pretty name...and I don't want to call her Ky.
"Ezzie..." He says in an uncertain tone. "You okay?"
I sigh.
"I've been okay, Corbin. For the three years I've been with all of you, away from...them...I've been okay. It's just... Some memories are more painful than others."
He shifts on the King size bed to give me a hug, and he asks no more questions. Actually, he says nothing more.
And we're both asleep.

That night, Corbin and I start to feel better, but of course, we don't get dinner. Only bread.
And that's okay.
As Corbin and I play with it, pretending that it's something-anything-else, Dad comes in, a serious look on his face. But not stern. More compassionate. And sad.
He sighs, and takes a seat in front of us at the table.
"Did either of you know Camden Conner?"
"I do." I correct him. Well, I think I do. I actually don't know my Camden's last name.
"Well, I'm not too sure about that anymore..."

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