•Chapter 23: Veronica: 2nd person POV•

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Veronica, Zola at her side, walks into the room of her sister, cousin, and their friends.

She and her twin just got back from a scrumptious meal: tacos, beans, juice, and lemons, even the peels!
Mr. and Mrs. Blake(Veronica's parents) had been on a date when they got the call that their daughter and her boyfriend were in the hospital. They were also quickly informed that both Megan and Corbin were fine.
So, knowing that there was no immediate danger with their first daughter, they decided to check up with their second daughters, aka Veronica and Zola, who, if left alone too long, could very well burn down the house attempting to prepare a meal.
When they arrived, they found that Camden and Mr. Lea's daughter were asleep in the treehouse.
They decided to leave them, knowing they both had history of paranoia, and would definitely not take the news well, no matter the logic.

So, naturally, Veronica's first priority was dinner, she and Zola got a taco. Then, she went to see if her older sister was alright, and found the condition of her new friend, Ezrynn.

Zola rolls her eyes at Veronica.
"Yeah, right. Megan's not that dumb."
"I'm tellin' ya, we're gonna be aunts soon."
"You like Corbin enough that you want him as a brother in-law?"
"I like him enough that I don't mind if he's Megan's baby daddy."
"You're horrible!" Zola exclaims with a short laugh.
"C'mon, let's go see if she's pregnant."
Zola rolls her eyes again.
"They haven't even known each other that long!" Zola reminds Veronica, amusement in her tone.
"Doesn't mean they couldn't have made love!" Veronica calls back at her sister, having started the walk to Megan's room.
Every nurse stops to stare at Veronica.
"Hey, y'all!" She says, and skips the rest of the way there.

Veronica slows to a walk so she can read the numbers on the stretch of hallway.
"One-oh-two, one-oh-three, one-oh-four, one-oh-five, one-oh-six, and one-oh-seven!"
Once she finds room 107, where Megan, Corbin, and their baby should be, she walks as quietly as she can.
Veronica peeks around corner 107, mostly to make sure it's the right room, and takes in the scene.
Corbin sits with tears in his eyes, Megan looks helpless.
When Veronica looks around some more, she sees that Camden made it.
He looks hurt, conflicted.
And then she sees Ezrynn, the source of everyone's attention.
She sits with her hair all tangly, and from what you can see under it, her hands cup her whole face.
She shakes. A lot.
She takes a deep, shaky, tear filled breath, and shakes again.
She's crying.
Veronica obviously doesn't know why, but she will help her friend get through whatever it is.
She crosses over to Ezrynn to sit next to her. She wraps her left arm around the shaking shoulders, the right to stroke Ezrynn's arm.
"Shhhh." She says. "It's okay, it'll be okay." She whispers.
Zola, less quiet feet, finds the right room before shouting, "Is she pregnant?!"
"Shhh!" Everyone in the room demands, except Ezrynn, of course.
Ezrynn stops shaking for a glorious second or two, then she starts to hyperventilate.
"What's wrong with her?" Zola wonders.
"I don't know! Would you help me calm her down?" Veronica wonders, incredulous.
"I!" Gulp of air, "Don't!" Another, "Know!" A big one this time, "Either-er-errr!" Ezrynn explains.
"What? Then why don't you stop?" Veronica demands. "Hello? Why don't you?!" And she shakes her a bit.
Causing to overwhelm Ezrynn even more.
When it seems like nothing in the world could save Ezrynn, Corbin pops up, he couldn't take it anymore, watching his sister so helpless.
Camden popped up at the same time.
"Corbin!" He says the name for the first time. "I think I got her. Is that okay?"
Corbin takes a mournful look in Ezrynn's direction, and nods to Camden glumly, who takes action.
Ezrynn has her hands in her face once more.
"Veronica, can I take over?" Camden wonders in a whisper.
Veronica nods her head in complete agreement. She's done with Ezrynn and her 'I don't know but I will anyway' attitude. For now, at least.
Veronica removes herself from Ezrynn slowly, and Ezrynn panics.
But when Camden takes her hand, she's okay.
Camden moves the stool away from the wall a little so he can put one leg on each side, so that his torso faces Ezrynn comfortably.
He hugs her from the side, and they rock back and fourth. Ezrynn's breath slows, and she starts to look like she feels better. She even takes her hands away from her face, but her eyes stay closed.
Veronica is so glad that's over.
"Did I miss something?" Mr. Lea walks in, five burgers in hand, and takes a seat on the bench nearest the door.
Everyone but Camden and Ezrynn sighs one big sigh.
Translation: yes. Absolute yes.

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