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February 11:
I take Ezzie out to this fancy dinner place.
My new girlfriend and I are paying for her, get her mind off things. Apparently I've talked a lot about Ezzie because this was her idea.

I open the door for Ezrynn, and on the far side of the restaurant is her.
My girlfriend.
My heart starts to pound, nervous, but I pull Ezzie along by her hand at a pretty understandable pace.
When we get to our table, my girlfriend stands up and holds out her hand to Ezrynn.
"Hello, I'm Megan." She says in a sweet tone. They shake hands, and Ezzie and I sit down on the booth, opposite my girlfriend; Ezzie on my right.

I better tell you about her; Megan. I didn't get with her because of her looks, obvious enough. I mean, don't get me wrong, she's drop dead gorgeous, but still, that's not the reason.
She has beautiful brown eyes, ones that go perfect with her light brown highlights, natural I might add, and little but darker hair.
I've noticed she dyes it sometimes, and still, she's beautiful.
But, might I remind you, that's not the reason.
She's responsible, but not in a goodie two shoes kinda way.
She doesn't take crap from anyone.
The biggest reason:
She cares, and more than the people she knows, Ezzie a perfect example. You could argue that it gets to me, makes me like her more, implying that she's tricking me, only thinking if herself, but I know better.
I've known her for a while now, long enough to understand her motives.
And her motives with Ezrynn lye purely with Ezrynn.

The waiter comes by with a basket of breadsticks.
Ezrynn waits.
"Go on! Take one." Megan tells her.
"Thanks." Ezzie's voice is barely audible.
I lean down and whisper in her ear, "Ezrynn, she won't bite you. You said you've never met a high schooler, get to know this one." She looks uncertain.
"Uh...what do you...do?" She asks, and her cheeks flush. I put my hand under the table and take her's; squeeze it.
"I read and write. I actually have a couple published ones, people enjoy them and everything."
"What are they about?" Ezrynn sounds more sure this time.
"Mostly fantasy. Well, all of the published ones are."
"What do you...do?" Megan winks at her.
"Uh...I don't really know." She admits.
"Oh, well that's too bad." And Megan really looks like she feels sorry for Ezrynn. "Maybe we can find out one day?" She suggests.
"That'd be swell."

So that's that, Megan just made a date with Ezrynn, probably without me.
And Ezrynn excepted.

How sweet.

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