•V-Day, We-Day•

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January 13:
"HAPPY VALENTINES DAY, EZZIE!" She throws her pillow at me, after jumping three feet in the air and screaming.
"That wasn't nice!" I say with a mock pouty face.
"Sorry..." She says sleepily, turns around so her belly's on her bed, and snores.
"Ezzie! C'mon!"
She flops around and glares at me.
"Meet me out front in five!" I tell her. Then, to be sure she comes, I add, "Megan's out there!"

Surprisingly(NOT), Ezrynn comes out in about 30 seconds, hopping on one foot while she pulls on her left shoe.
"Megan!" She cries. "Wait...Megan?" Then she turns on me. "Where's Megan?!"
"Her house." I say casually, and she charges.
"Awe! Thanks for the hug!" I tell her. She tries to pull away, but I won't let her. Soon, we're both laughing. I let her go.
"Ezzie, I have something for you." She looks at me with expectance and scepticism. I kinda farted on her once after those exact words...
I roll my eyes. "And it doesn't come from my internal gases!" I promise. She laughs, and sticks out her tongue.
From the table's drawer that happened to be in the middle of the lawn(how could that be?) I produce a picture of her and I, in a Valentine's frame. We took it a couple days ago, actually.
"Here ya go, Ezrynn."
"Awe! Thank you, Corbin!" She says, and hugs me. "I guess great minds think alike...or Dad talked to both of us," she winks at me, "but here you go!" She runs inside, and when she returns she's holding a necklace in her hands. She gives it to me.
It's black, with golden designs. On the side there's a button. I press it, and inside is a wonderful picture of her and I.
"It's a locket." She tells me.
"...I found it once...it is very special, helped me out-so don't you lose it, you hear?"
"I hear." And I give her a bear hug. She grunts. "Thank you." I look down and tell her.
After she goes inside to put her picture frame on her bookshelf, off we need be.
"Megan's house next!" I inform her.
She climbs in the passenger seat, and off we go.

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