•Chapter Fourteen: Ezrynn•

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February 12:
"Whoa..." I gasp. We've just gotten to Megan's house, Corbin and I.
And in their front yard there's another house. In the tree.
Corbin replies with a short chuckle.
"Yeah..." He reaches over me to my door and opens it, then, very quickly, runs around the front of the car to my side and unbuckles me, has me get onto his shoulders.
I giggle, and he heads for the second house; knocks three times on the wooden paneling, says, "Open up! It's the C&E! Corbin and Ezrynn!" Kicks down an imaginary door, sets me on a wooden chair, and picks up Megan who happened to be waiting.
He swings her around, goes for a kiss. And she lets him believe he can, too, then at the last second she puts her hand in front of her mouth and he kisses that instead.
"C'mon! Can't we've our first kiss while accompanied by my very shy sister who probably feels very uncomfortable at the moment having witnessed us almost kiss? C'mon! You just ruined the chance of her feeling awkward!"
"I'm so sorry, Ezrynn, that sounds so very appealing. Do you forgive me for my atrocity?"
"Sorry, I don't think I can. I'm not the forgiveful type, especially at having the chance taken from me to feel awkward." I joke back.
She gives me a curt nod, "I understand..." And she pretends to cry, Corbin puts her down, her hands in her face. She peeks through her fingers.
Then, swiftly, she hops over to me and ruffles my hair.
"How ya been, squirt?"
"Seeing as it's only been a day sense I've seen you? Pretty swell, Miss...Miss..."
"Blake." She winks at me.
"Knock-Knock?" Someone from behind me asks, from the opening of the tree house. I turn.
"Hey, Onica." Corbin greets the girl.
"VERonica!!" She corrects him as if for the millionth time, and Corbin snickers. Veronica rolls her eyes. "Anyway, who're you?" She asks me.
"Well, hello, Uh, I'm Veronica. Don't take after your brother." She warns me.
Megan flicks the girl on the head.
"Don't be a brat! This's Ezrynn, the girl I've told you about."
"Well, I...!" Veronica stammers, trying to find an excuse. She doesn't, and her face turns into a grin.
Megan sighs. "Ezrynn-Veronica, aka 'annoying little sister who never buts out of anything; obsesses over books, (not my stories, mind you) and never shuts her annoying little mouth.'" Megan explains.
"Yep, that's me." Veronica agrees. "Hey, you hungry, Uh?"
"I'll take that as a yes." She grabs my hand, and into house number one we go. "This's my room-ooh, look! Zola's in!" A girl turns around, and she shares Veronica's face!
"Zola, this's Uh. Uh, this's Zola. Now kitchen time." Veronica pulls on my hand and we head for the kitchen.
Veronica grabs a lemon, and eats it like an apple, peel and all!
"Want one?" She offers.
"Uh...I'm not-"
"That's okay, Uh, Veronica's disgusting." Zola walks in and explains. "Want an Appel?" She tosses me one. How ironic.

The three of us head back outside, Veronica and her lemon, me and my apple, and Zola and her cucumber.
"You bring anything for me?!" Corbin wonders.
"Sorry, we're out of doofus food." Veronica says back.
Zola smacks her sister. "I've got you something if I knew you were here." She glares at Veronica, then looks at me. "You must be Ezrynn?"
"Sorry, my sisters a doofus."
I giggle.
"Don't laugh at me!"
"Yes, m'am." I mock her.
"You remember that..." Veronica demands.
"Go! To the house! Now!" Megan demands, annoyed.
"But I didn't do anything!" Zola protests.
"But I didn't do anything!" Megan replies in a mocking tone. "In!" She repeats, pointing with emphasis now.
"Whatever." Zola grabs a protesting Veronica and leads her to the house.

Do I get to hang out with Megan now?

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