Chapter six

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Travis POV

Lynn hadn't been to the house in about three days and I was really trying to kick the feeling of missing her presence. Well okay, she had been by but only to drop off food she had already cooked at home and to me it wasn't as satisfying as her cooking in my kitchen. Don't get me wrong, the food was as equally good as always but my other...hunger wasn't satisfied. It felt like she had been distancing herself from me and I didn't like it. Not at all.

"Hey, you coming by today?" Minutes go by before I receive a response.

"Dropping off around 6." She responds and I grunt. That's not what I wanted, I want you to come by and stay...guess I'm just gonna have to talk in person. I close my phone and head over to my garage to go lift some weights and let off some steam.

Lynn POV

It's been three days. Three days since I have been in the Cure household. Three days since I've been in Travis's presence for more than 10 seconds. It was a much needed separation too. I didn't need to cook in his presence, I mean so long as he was fed I was technically doing my job, yes? Exactly. Solves that problem. I planned on doing the same thing today as well. Travis texts me about coming by and I told him my plan to drop off, but he doesn't text back.

"Sooooo you're avoiding your hot boss because things got a little hot and heavy....Lynn that's not what we meant by screw him!" Tanya exclaims as she loads the shelf. I had stopped by her job at the house depot to grab some things and you know she had to ask how things were going between me and Travis.

"Tanya! Keep your voice down before you get fired!" I chuckle. "I say screw him. I do my job and I keep my distance. At the end of the day I'm still getting paid this week." I shrug looking along the aisle for the right cat food.

"Lonely old cat lady in the making." She sings, "Your vibrator will get caught up in those webs." I scoff.

"Well at least I know how to keep this thing in tip top shape Ms. Endless pit." She playfully throws a cat toy at me and we laugh. " I gotta go though, have to cook this food before I drop it off." I dap her up before heading to checkout and going home.


Ding dong, ding dong!

I ring the doorbell and wait for Travis to come and open it...or so I thought.

"It's open!" I hear him yell from the other side and I roll my eyes. I open the door and head straight over to the kitchen island.

"Here's your food." I say placing the food down and turning only to be met by straight chest almost tripping over my own feet until he catches me by my arms.

"Are you avoiding me?" He just flat out asks while staring into my eyes puzzled. He honestly looked adorable like this, without a clue in the world as to what is going on with me.

"Huh?" I ask playing stupid and he huffs. He then grips my arms and plops me on a chair at the island and I'm shook as to where this caveman behavior was going.

"Stay." He commands and my jaw drops as he sits on the chair beside me.

"Excuse me? Sir, I have somewhere to be-"

"Where?" He asks as he opens his plate.

"That's none of your business." I huff, crossing my arms and turning the other way only to be turned right back around. Okay this caveman act is kind of a turn on yet kind of annoying....


"None. Of. Your. Business....sir." I state before rolling my eyes and pouting.

"I want you cooking here, around me. I like to know what's going in my food." He states all while chowing down on what I brought him.

"Why? You think I'm gonna poison you or something? Do roots?" I ask jokingly.

"It's been attempted." He says and I scoff.

"Okay, well I'll know next time. See ya!" I say before hopping off the stool and making a move to head to the door but Travis has other plans as he grabs my arm and pulls me back to him, my back to his front.

"This boyfriend...he ever make you feel like this?" He asks as he pulls my hair back behind my ear, planting a light kiss on the side of my neck and I suck in a light breathe. "Or like this?" He hand snakes around my waist and cups my breast and I gasp. Not again, not a muthafreaking gain! "Say?" He then firmly grasps my hair, pulling my head back lightly and lays more kisses on my neck, grinding himself into me. Just as I go to grab his neck, it all stops. He lets me go and sits back at the island to eat as if nothing was just happening. "I'll have your check Friday love. You don't have to stay today." He says and I stand there for a few minutes trying to collect my jumbled thoughts.

"I uh..." I clear my throat, "ok." I straighten out my clothes before grabbing my keys and heading out the door. Once I got in the car I threw a mini tantrum. What. The. Fockkkkkkkkkk! This man seriously had me melting in the palms of his hand one minute and was back to eating the next before finishing me off. See this is why I knew it was a bad idea to step foot in there. My boyfriend? He really did that to see if he could one up my none existent boyfriend?! Yeah, true asshole at its finest.

Mark my words Travis, I'm gonna give you what you're looking for.



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