Chapter Two

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"Girl I'm so sick of this n*gga! He always trying to flip something on me whenever I confront him about them females in his phone! And how bout Damien-" I sit and listen to my friends as they complain about their love lives, you know the whole moral support and sh*t act. We were out together on a friend date, something we did every now and then whenever we all got the chance. As I'm listening to them I tune out once a notification from my booking app goes off.

You have a new appointment scheduled today @4 with Travis Cure...

Ok. What. The. F*ck. Did he? Is this the same guy ? No freaking way....

"Guys!" I interrupt the ongoing conversation. "The dude I told y'all about that I saw at the park just booked an appointment with me TODAY as I'm in two hours from now he will be in my shop!" I have their full attention now. Just going off of description alone they knew this man was fine as H E double hockey sticks.

"WHAT?!? Oh girl you gotta get home, throw on your tank, no bra, and those little cheer shorts. You know give him that, I work from home I don't have to dress up vibe but also sexy at the same time?" My friend Dreya throws out.

"I am not doing that okay. I'm going to go home, prep him for his mani, remain professional and then he will leave simple. He's a potential client now, I have to be professional."

"Boooooo, that option sucks. You're always joking about how you haven't had any play in so long your coochie hairs are forming cobwebs." Tanya jokes.

"Okay now I did not say no sh*t like the heifer!" I exclaim as I playfully nudge her. "Anyways, I need to get going, I'll uh, tell y'all how it goes." I say before hoping up and heading to my truck.


*knock knock knock*

"Come in!" I shout from my chair, heart pounding as I'm wishing I didn't have to look up at his face to greet him. He opens the door and steps inside. "Hello, you can have a seat right there." I stared pointing at the seat across from me.

"Hey. Nice setup you have here." He states, as he sits down in the chair.

"Thank you. So I'm gonna have you dip yours hands in here, and be careful it is hot." I warn.

"Yes ma'am." He says, smirking. He taps the substance then slides his hands right into it leaving me shocked.

"Uh, okay you're gonna sit in that for about a good five minutes then we'll move on to your clean, clip, and coat." I clear my throat before picking up my phone to avoid an awkward moment as my Alexa plays in the background.

"Okay, so how has your day been so far?" He asks. Oh shit he's talking to me?

"Um, pretty good. Hung with a couple friends earlier at one of our many crappy restaurants." I joke and he chuckles.

"Yeah you guys definitely don't have too many good options around, I'm thinking I may have to hire a chef-hell practically a housekeeper at this point." He jokes as he removes his hands from the concoction. I grab my towel to dry them.

"See? That's exactly why I'm glad I know my way around the kitchen. One life skill everyone should know." I say before reaching to grab the clippers.

"Well I know a little bit but it's kind of the same old thing for me...what do you do aside from this?"

"Uh...nothing really. I was thinking about getting something part time so that I can get my own car because although I make good money doing this, I don't have appointments booked everyday which you know..." I trail off while finishing clipping and going for the filer.

"Yeah...say, would you be open to a job with me?" I halt mid stroke.

"Doing what exactly?"

"Cooking. Of course I would have to see if you could really throw down in the kitchen but you know if you're as good as you say I don't mind paying. My mama stays hours away, I'd be happy to have a home cooked meal often." He chuckles while playfully patting his belly. I...I uh... " would be nice of course. I could put you as an employee under my company that way it'll be easier finding a car dealer willing to sell to you..." He trails off with a slight, sneaky smile as if, when his plan goes through he can finally get his hands on something.

"I mean um...I would have to think about that. See how it works with my schedule..." I say trying to throw off the conversation because I really didn't know what to say. It sounded like a hell of an opportunity but I DONT KNOW THIS MAN!

"Okay, I can understand that. Just don't keep me waiting too long..." He says before flexing his nails that I had just finished. "How much is it?"

"Just $10." I watch as he pulls a 50 from his wallet and hands it to me. "Um...I don't have change on me, do you take cash-"

"You can keep the change and if you change your mind, call me. You have my number." He says before winking and leaving. I blink a few times in disbelief before pocketing the money and cleaning up my area. Yeah I gotta text the group chat with this shit.

Me: "Y'all will not believe this man..."

"What happened?


Me: "The man offered me a job as his personal chef. I'm talking no background check or anything just small talk and "Hey, you want a job?""

" Wtw "

" if you should say yes Bc it's obvious he's hot asl to you or no Bc it was just handed to you..."

Me: "I mean...the extra pay would really help me get a car that I actually want.."

"Well you should definitely consider it then. If it's not for you then just opt out. Getting paid under the table right?"

Me: "Yeah, I am. I'll call him tonight and let him know I guess."

" Good, now go in there and show em your mama made a hoeeeeee." I flip off the group chat before turning off my phone and prepping for my next appointment.


I plop down on my bed in my towel after hopping out of the shower. Picking up my phone I realize that I meant to call Travis about his job offer. It rings a few times before he picks up.

"Hello ?"

"Hey it's Lynne I was calling you about your job offer..."

"Ah yes, personal chef? Are you accepting or are you trying to let me down gently?"

"I'm actually accepting, wanted to know when I could start." I say a little perkier than I intended.

"Good tomorrow?"

"Yeah, sure." I say after a slight pause knowing I didn't do nails on Sunday's...

"Okay, 11 o'clock you meet me at my place then we go from there."

"Alrighty, see you tomorrow. Buh-bye." I say before hanging up and doing a little victory dance around the room.

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