Chapter twenty four

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Three years forward


"Bravo! Come here boy!" I yell out to the backyard as I try to get the dog in before nighttime. He comes wagging his tail, some stick in his mouth, handing it to me before heading into the house and I shake my head chuckling. I drop the stick and head into the house to fill his bowl before going over to the fridge. Feeling a little pat on my thigh, I look down to see my little one standing there with his sippy cup in hand.

"Da may I pwease I have some juice?" He asks and of course, being the sucker I am for his mother's eyes I give him some. "Thank you!" He says before racing off back over to the tv with sponge-bob playing on the screen.

"You know that little boy has you wrapped around his fingers." I hear behind me and I turn around to greet my new wife. Mrs. Lynn Berrí A'noia. I'll never get over how good it sounded together.

"Just like his mother does." I joke as I wrap my arms around her waist. She gives me a small peck on the lips before getting into the fridge.

"I'm gonna get dinner started, can you handle the laundry this time?"

"Okay I only let a few things dry for too long, I know how to wash clothes." I say grunting and she giggles. As I head to the laundry room I think back to how far we have came and how lucky we were to be able to still have each other....

Three years ago....

"Here's the doctor!" Jimmy yells as he sees the guy who had helped us earlier step into the room.

"Are any of you a spouse or relative of Ms. Berrí?" He asks and I step forward.

"She's my wife." I lie, technically. She's not my wife legally but as soon as I had the chance I was going to make her one. He looks on skeptically before continuing.

"Ms. Berrí lost a lot of blood, but her vitals are stable. She's in a coma, but should be out soon hopefully. She's a true fighter. Now as for the baby-"

"Wait wait wait, the baby?" He looks on in shock.

"I'm sorry, did you not know she was expecting?" I shake my head still in shock.

"No, we had just taken a test and it came back negative..."

"Well those things aren't always correct, especially if they are a little old. Now it's too early to tell what you're having, but she is definitely pregnant. As to whether the baby will survive such trauma, we can't speak on as of yet but if it is anything like it's mother you should be looking forward to one happy family." He finishes.

"Thank you." I say and he turns and leaves. I turn to my family in the waiting room as they await the news. "Lynn's okay...I'm gonna be a dad." I say still in disbelief and the room erupts in joy, giving me hugs and high fives.

"Go see your girl man!" Jay exclaims and I leave to go find where she was staying.

I'm going to be a dad....


"I got the clothes in!" I shout as I plop down on the couch beside my boy and pick up my phone to see if any emails had came through from work.

"Okay." I hear her say from the kitchen.

"Hey babe I was thinking...we should go to Disney world this weekend." I say and I watch as Jr perks up excitedly.

"Really?!" He asks and I nod my head chuckling. He jumps on me and I laugh as I lift him up and carry him into the kitchen with Lynn.

"Really? No work?"

"I can take off. When you're a boss you make your own schedule. You know this." She playfully rolls her eyes.

"Okay we can go. I never been to Disney land before I'm almost excited as Jr." she giggles.

"We can see Mickey!" Jr says excitedly and we share a laugh. I couldn't deny it. Life was great right now. I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.

"Yes we can see Mickey and mommy gets to see the magic stick!" I say and Lynn scoffs in shock hitting me with a towel.

"Joe! Not in front of Jr!"

"He doesn't understand, he probably thinks we're talking about Harry Potter or something I don't know someone with a magic stick." I shrug before chuckling.

"What's a magic stick?" He asks and Lynn face palms."

"It's for adults Buddy don't worry, let's go watch some tv." I say as I head back to the living room, looking back at Lynn with a smirk. Having a kids definitely put a halt to the slow love making. Everything had to be as quick as we could possibly get without Jr. knocking at our door. Don't get me wrong, trying to not get caught kind of gave me a rush, but if I wanted another little mini me I needed to take my time and get it right. I'm getting a little too old to try and make babies off of quickies this bad boy has to warm up a good batch before a release. Word from my doctor.

"Dinner will be ready in 20 minutes." She says before coming to snuggle in with us on the couch.

"I love you Mrs. A'noia." I whisper, planting a kiss on her forehead.

"I love you too Joe." She replies.

Life is finally complete.

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