Chapter twenty-one

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Lynn POV

"You think you're falling in love?" I asked, mind racing a million miles a minute. I truly didn't know what that was, or how it was supposed to feel.

"You don't have to feel the same way right now, I know it's pretty early. know if this isn't something you could see yourself doing in the long run, I can understand. I just want you to let me know now." He lets out a small laugh, "I'm not getting any younger as you can see."

"Joe...don't get me wrong, I want to be with you. I just..." he looks on confused, "I don't know how to describe that feeling though. I don't want to say something and remain confused as to what it really is."

"I can only describe it as a feeling I never felt before with anyone else..." Joe says as he grabs some cheese from my board.

"Well what I feel for you I haven't felt for anyone else."

"That's all I needed to hear. Now come on, you're getting all wrinkly." He jokes and I slap his arm before moving the board over to him and climbing out. He hands me a towel and I wrap it around myself before heading into the room.

"Ughhh, I'm not ready to go home yet." I whine as I poop down on the bed to 'air dry' once again.

"I'm not ready for work. My field is so boring, I might become a criminal lawyer."

"And what? Defend El Chapo? No thank you." He chuckles and I finally get up to throw on some underwear and a large T and leggings.

"Yeah I lose the case I'm good as dead." He jokes.

"I'm gonna head back downstairs, I'm sure the girls have sobered up and are about to put your cousins in a headlock." I say grabbing my phone.

"You definitely should get down there then, I'll be out in a few." I nod and turn, heading downstairs to find Tanya and Jimmy at each other's throats about who's football player is better and Dreya and Jay no where in sight.

"Hey hey hey, what is going on? Where is Dreya and Jay?" I raise my voice slightly over there's and Tanya is the first to speak.

"They disappeared not long after y'all disappeared and goof ball here has been arguing over who is a better ball player. Lebron or Michael?" She huffs and I face palm.

"Even though we all know it's clearly the man with six rings." Jimmy chimes in.

"What do rings mean? Lebron could get 7 before he retire!"

"Okayyyy I'm gonna go find them, thanks for the chat." I say as I sneak away from the continued argument. As I'm traveling down the hallway, I hear faint sounds and voices. Well then, I don't think I need to go any further. I turn around and head back to see Joe has came down. As I'm passing him I give him a little smooch before plopping down on the couch.

"Ewww cooties." Jimmy jokes and Tanya playfully nudges him.

"I'll take em." Joe says before getting up from his fireplace and coming to sit by me. We just sit and make jokes, talking about people on tv and and each other. Well, mostly Tanya and Jimmy, the secret lovebirds. Dreya and Jay come back into the room all smiles and giggles and we finish our night in good spirits.

............... next day ................

"Ugh, please don't leave!" Joe shouts dramatically and I giggle as I give him a hug and a long kiss.

"Ugh, please leave." Jimmy mumbles in reference to Tanya and she shoots him the bird.

"I bet they exchanged numbers." I whisper to Joe and he chuckles. Dreya and Jay clicked up pretty well on the other hand. "Come one you guys, traffic is gonna get really bad if we don't shoot out now." I say heading to the car.

"Bye you guys, it was nice meeting you!" Dreya says and they wave us away.

"What an ass." Tanya mumbles.

"I think he likes me." Dreya says gleefully.

"You guys are a mess." I say as I pull out of the drive. We wave at them once more before pulling off.

Back to the country....


"Text me when you make it home!" Dreya says before heading into her house. Once she gets in I finally head home. I go check my nail room to make sure everything was straight for tomorrow and as I'm getting ready to turn off everything there's a knock at the door. Thinking it's my mom, I open it only to not find my mother but to find...Travis.

"Travis what are you-"

"I'm sorry."

"What-" and before I know it I'm stuck, falling into his arms.

"I'm so sorry." Was the last thing I heard before lights were out.

Short Chapter, I was in a rush!

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