Chapter eleven

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Travis POV

Lynn was gone off to her job in Atlanta and imagine my surprise when I received an invitation from Joe for the ball the firm was hosting and quite frankly I was debating even going. I am though. Because I have to keep an eye on him when it comes to Lynn. She's young and naive, someone to easily be taken advantage of. Speaking of her, she was finally giving me a call back from earlier.


"Hey Lynn, you good?"

"Yes, I'm perfectly fine Travis. (Travis? You haven't even been gone a day and he's worried?)" I hear a second voice in the background.

"Who's that?"

"I have to go Trav, I just got in and I need to tour where I'll be working. Talk to you later." And before I can even answer back she hangs up.

Yeah, I'm going.

Lynn POV

"Here is where you'll be staying." Joe says to me as he opens the door to his penthouse. I stare in amazement at the view I had even if it was just for my stay here.

"This has gotta be the best view in the city." I voice, mesmerized by the floor to ceiling windows, walking over to stand by them. I feel the hairs on the back of my neck rise to attention and a chill go down my spine which only meant Joe had closed in on me.

"Come, let me show you the room. It's even better." He places a brief hand on my elbow and signals the way to which the bedroom resided and then leads the way to it. I'm not even gonna lie, I don't feel like I should be going anywhere near a bedroom after that reaction to such a small gesture. I was overthinking it all the way.

"Okay can I take a quick nap? Because this is just a dream room like look at this! And then the lights of night dancing around the room as you fall asleep...I just know this place costs a fortune I mean come on this is buckhead." I say as I flop down on the edge facing the window. He comes and plops down beside me, setting the suitcase on the side.

"Good investments I believe." He jokes and we share a small laugh. "After all the sleep you caught in the car I just know you're not too tired to go check out the kitchen."

"Oh I wouldn't be too sure." I joke, "but nah I'm not. I have one request though."

"Yes ma'am?"

"I want to see your house." I say firmly but terrified that I may be overstepping so I look over at him and he has a puzzled look on his face. Oh God, I screwed up already....

"Okay." He shrugs and I'm shocked, so I'm sitting there wide eyed for a second thinking the response would be different. "But it would have to be later. Right now we're going to the kitchen and dining area."

"Fine, let's go!" I hop up off the bed and wait for him to stand before following him out and back down to the first floor. We make it down to the kitchen and I'm overwhelmed by the size of it and the dining room quickly thinking I'm wayyy in over my head with trying to serve so many people. Joe must notices the look on my face because he says some reassuring things to calm my nerves.

"Remember you will have a tremendous staff of help you're basically just showing how you would make the dish, have everyone else making the dish, you taste and it's good it's a go. Sounds easy right?"

"It better be." I mumble and he chuckles.

"The third night is the ball, would you like come? The staff will be serving finger foods you won't really be needed."

"It sounds fun but I didn't exactly bring a dress for a ball." I state.

"It's okay, we could get you one. My treat on one condition."

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