Chapter 14

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Hours felt like days and days felt like forever. 

I feel so drained that I couldn't move. I couldn't eat. I couldn't take a damn bath, nor even try to do so. 

I know that I have missed a lot of school works, but I think my friends had already told my professors that I will not be attending school for a week or so with the reason that my parents had just died from a freak accident. 

I think my professors would understand what I am going through. 

With the pain of Haechan not talking to me anymore and the pain of being pushed aside by my own mother to walk towards a new family she had built with another man, it feels as if I was just an object being thrown away because there's a new thing that she found and it took her whole attention and interest.  

They both left me in the air with no one but my broken soul.

Why out of all the things that can happen to me, this thing— should I be grateful that they aren't around me anymore? Should I celebrate the day I both lost my parents?

My father doesn't even give a fuck about his daughter's whereabouts, while there's this fucking woman whom I've been calling my mother had betrayed me and let me rot in this fucking place forever.

The hot tears that streamed down my face were unnoticed to me as I heard the front door open. Great. A fucking guest, just what I needed.

I looked at the shadow without any emotions and found out that it was actually the one who birthed me. What a surprise. The traitor came back.

I didn't move an inch on the couch, letting her take notice of me first before I even try to make an effort on talking to her. Her eyes were scanning the place until it landed on my puffy, weary and fuming eyes. She jumped a little as she saw me glaring through her soul. 

"I didn't took you to come back and get your things, Mellissa." she was visibly nervous and I could tell it by the way her throat slowly moved up and down, as though she was trying to push away the angst she was feeling in her. "What do you want, my condolences because I didn't visit your funeral?" I raised a brow as I watched her move to me closer, inch by inch her hands went up to her mouth and tears pooled around her eyes.

 My eyes were watering at the sight and the longing feeling of being embraced by a motherly figure, until I snapped back in reality.

My mother is already dead.

"Don't you dare touch me."

Her feet were now planted a feet away from where I sat. She was frozen as her eyes spilled the tears that were pooling around her regretful eyes. "I don't even know who you are, but you're not my mother." I pursed my lips and watched her break out in a sob to which I didn't reacted to. 

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