Chapter 1 - Preparing to meet our idols

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"WAKE UPPPPP!" Was the first thing I heard along with the sound of seagulls squawking outside.

"Okay, okay Alex calm down. I'm up, no need to shout bitch." I smiled at her weraly.

"Oh I'm sorry jerk. I'm just so excited, I can't believe it" she squealed, standing up on her single bed and jumping up and down looking like a drunk giraffe.

And to be honest I didn't blame her. Today is going to be the best day of our lives, I seriously can't believe that out of thousands and thousands of people who entered they picked us to go and meet The Vamps. Yes, THE VAMPS!

A couple of months ago me and Alex entered together to win tickets to spend the afternoon with The Vamps in Brighton, and a few weeks ago we got a phone call saying the we had won. We thought it was someone pulling a prank and messing with us, but when they sent the information through the post and it said things like 'do not tell anyone this information' and ' do not put this information on social media or the event might be forced to cancel' we knew it was the real deal.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE WE'RE GOING TO MEET THEM! EEEEKKKK" I scream at the top of my lungs when it had sunk in and I had woken up a bit more. I stood up and joined Alex Jumping on her bed.

"I know! I'm so excited!" She panted from exhaustion. "But before we get too carried away I'm hungry so hurry up and get dressed so we can go for breakfast, I'm craving chocolate pancakes" she grinned at me.

"Typical" I smiled and rolled my eyes playfully, but before I realized it a pillow hit my head.

"Hey! That's not fair bitch!" I shouted grabbing a pillow and hitting her with it.

"It was jerk!" She said hitting me back.



She hit me in the head and I lost my footing falling over dragging her with me ending up in a pile on the floor laughing our hysterically.

" Oh.... my......god" she managed to say through her laughter.

"Ow! My leg! Get offfff!" I yelled.

"Okay okay, sorry" she said through laughter.




"No way" I almost whispered

"Yes way" Alex grinned.

"They do nutella pancakes! I want 10!"

"Oh dear Katie, I don't think it was a good Idea coming to this cafe" she said grinning.

Alex was sat opposite me, her hands wrapped around a steaming cup of tea looking of the window at the sea crashing against the rocks. We had found this cute little cafe overlooking the sea, it looked so tumblr it was unbelievable.

"Can I take your order?" The waitress said surprising me.

"Oh, erm, yes. Can I have the nutella pancakes please"

"Yes, of course."

After she had taken our orders and had gone me and Alex got out our cameras and started taking pictures of the cafe and the view.

After about 5 minutes she came out with our orders.

"Thank you" I said smiling at her. She smiled back and walked away.

"OH MY GOD!" Alex shouted, startling me.

"What ?! What's wrong ?!?!" I said panicked.

"These pancakes are fucking amazing!" She said almost shouting.

"Seriously. I thought something had happens"

"Something did happen! I decided that I'm never gonna eat any other pancakes ever again!" She said in a semi serious tone trying to look serious before we both went into fits of laughter.

Me and Alex have been best friends ever since I can remember. I think we actually became friends when we were 4, we were in the same reception class (that's the year before year 1, I have no idea why that isn't called year 1) we had a teacher called Mrs Smith, she was the best teacher ever. We have gone through everything together: fights, other people being friends with us, and recently she's helped me through a really tough break up. We were going out for 2 years and then I found out he was cheating, but I found out in the worst possible way, I walked in on them. So the last couple of months have been really tough, but Alex has been there for me every step of the way. She is literally like a sister to me, I love her with all my heart.

After we had finished our pancakes we went straight back to the hotel. We had about two hours till we had to meet the band manager on the pier, but we were so excited we couldn't wait any longer so we decided to get ready.

"Katieeeeee!" I heard Alex bellowing my name.

"Yesieeeeee!" I bellowed back.

Alex then ran back into the bedroom from the en-suite.

"Can you help me with my eyeliner, I can't do it." She said shrugging her shoulders and looking down at the floor.

"Of course I can" I said smiling. "As long as you lend me that really cute necklace" I said jokingly

"Okay fineee." She said dragging out the last last letter.

Wake up your sleeping heart // Was known as 'Shout about it'Where stories live. Discover now