Chapter 4 - Nandos

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"I TALK A LOT OF SHIT WHEN IM DRINKING BABY I KNOW I GO A LITTLE TO FAST!" Me and Alex shouted at the top of our lungs whilst the boys were singing. Brad's vocals were amazing, it sent shivers down my spine. James and Connors backing vocals audible in the background. And Tris's drumming was mindblowing, especially when he did his solo. The whole thing just made my heart melt.

We had chosen our very favourite songs by them and can we dance was one of them, simply because it was the song that made them well known and we were so proud of them for that so we chose that one. Choosing the other four was quite hard cause we love all of their songs. But after the boys urged us to make a decision because they're patients had run out after 15 minutes of waiting we chose Shout about it, High hope, Dangerous and Lovestruck.


It took about 20 minutes of them singing and dancing round stage and us screaming and dancing for them to finish the five songs.

"So did you like it?" James asked

"YES!" I think I shouted a bit too loud "It was amazing! I can't believe you did that just for us too. The song's were amazing, you were amazing. Oh my god I love you so much" the last five words escaped my mouth before I could stop myself. I'm sure they get loads of people saying that to them but it felt wrong and embarrassing saying it now, after not saying it when we first met them. And fainting in front of them and James helping me, it felt wrong saying it now.

"Thank you" James grinned at me, looking thrilled. "I love you too" he smiled. What ?!?! What did he just say ?! He probably said it to all their fans that said I love you but it still made my stomach clench, it was really hard for me not to smile so much that it took over my whole face. What made it worse was that I've had a crush on James for as long as I could remember, I love all the boys obviously but I'd always had a weak spot for James. Alex was the same but with Brad, she'd always had a soft spot for him.

"Oh my days, it was amazing thank you" Alex said dragging me away from my thoughts.

"Aw, it's okay. It was a pleasure performing for you" Brad said making Alex blush. I looked up from the floor and smiled at her blushing, she looked like a little Russian doll it was adorable. Then I looked over at James to see he was staring at me, but when he saw I had noticed him he looked away pretty quickly. Was he really staring at me? Or was I just imagining it.

"I have to go back stage and change my clothes"Brad started "cause I don't really want to go to nandos this sweaty." Me and Alex chuckled at that statement a bit too much.

"Okay, gonna go back stage now, you guys coming" Brad asked the rest of the boys.

"Obviously, I'm not just going to go to nandos all sweaty" Tris joked.

"Are you girls okay waiting here until we get back?" Connor asked

"Yeah, yeah that's fine" Alex replied looking at me

"Yeah that's fine"




"Brad, hurry up. We want to go to nandos!" Connor shouted at him through the bathroom door.

"Okay okay I'm coming" he replied as the door creeked open.

"What took you so long ?!" Tris questioned sounding frustrated

"Looking this hot takes time" he replied putting his hands on his hips, posing like he was in vogue.

"More issues than vouge" I said, looking at Alex who was sniggering letting out a little snort.

"That was quite good actually" Brad said

"Don't thank me" I began "thank Alex's old phone case"

"You can get it on a phone case?"

"Yep" Alex replied "I loved that phone case"

"Guys, if you don't mind I want nandosssss" Tris complained




When we got to nandos it wasn't that busy surprisingly, we got a booth right near the back of the restaurant so if any fans came in it was easy to hide from them.

"Tris, Tris, Tris" Brad repeated


"Look this way"


"Cause I want to take a selfie with you" Brad said sounding like a little girl

"Ughh, fine" Tris replied fillings eyes jokingly


"Oh my god!" Connor started "I forgot how good nandos was" he said putting his head back and putting his hands on his belly, obviously stuffed. Well be should be, he finished mine off.

"Soooo. What do you want to do next?" James asked looking directly at me. I shrugged looking at Alex for suggestions

"I'm not sure" she replied shrugging.

"Oooo I know"

"What Brad?" James questioned

"We could go to the cinema?"

"That sounds great" I smiled looking at Alex for approval

"Yeah that sounds great" see smiled nodding her head

"Cool" James nodded "what shall we watch?" I looked at Alex completely lost. I had no idea

"How about Jupiter Ascending?" Alex asked raising her eyebrows

"That one with Mila Kunis?"

"Ye, it is" I nodded

"Mila Kunis is amazing" Connor said "she's also insanely hot" me and Alex just rolled out eyes playfully at him before letting out a little laugh.


We got into the cinema quite quickly. We had gotten the seats right at the back so when the movie finished we could leave before the lights came on so the boys wouldn't be spotted. I was Sat next to Alex and Tris, Alex was next to Brad, and Brad was next to the wall.

"Tris swap places with me" James said. He was Sat next to Connor who was Sat between Tris and James.


"Tris, just swap with me" James said getting noticeably annoyed

"I will, just tell me why"

"Because I can't see very well here, and your taller than I am"

"Okay, okay" after some faffing around and Tris nearly falling on me, they managed to swap.

"Hey" James said smiling at me

"Hi?" I answered confused.

"Do you want some chocolate?"

"Yes please, where did you get it from?"

"I bought it from the counter when you and Alex went to the toilet" he replied whilst offering me the bag of magic stars

"Thank you" I smiled looking up at him. He didn't say anything, he just looked at me smiling. It's getting a bit awkward now, I've made unnecessary eye contact for too long now and I don't know how to break it.

"Katie?" Alex asked, this was a good time to break the eye contact, I looked away and at Alex.

"The films about to start"

"Oh right okay"

Wake up your sleeping heart // Was known as 'Shout about it'Where stories live. Discover now