Chapter 3 - Meeting them

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"Are you okay?" Connor said in a jokingly way, raising his hand and putting it to my forehead.

"Errr....." is all I managed to say

"Katie are you okay, you don't look so good" was all I heard Alex say before my hearing became muffled and my eyesight blacked out.


"Shit, what should we do" I heard Brad say. It was weird, I didn't feel like I was in my body and no matter how hard I tried I couldn't open my eyes. But I could still hear everything that was going on.

"Katie! Katie! Are you okay ?! Can you hear me?!" I heard Alex screaming.

"Shall I call an ambulance?" Jeremy said.

"Wait! I know what to do, I took a first aid course a while ago" James said.

"What really?" Tristan questioned

"Yes really! Now move, quick!"

"Okay okay, James calm down"

The next thing I knew I felt James's strong arms wrap around me and tuck me into the recovery persition.

"Now what?" Alex said sounding panicked.

"Has anyone got any smelling salts?" James questioned

"Oh yes, I carry them with me all the time." Jeremy said sarcastically.

"There's no need for that. I'm just trying to wake her up" James said in a firm tone.

A moment after he said that I felt like I was back in my body, I tried to open my eyes. They were heavy but I managed to open them.

"Oh my god" Alex said falling to my side "Katie, are you okay?"

"...... Yeah, yeah I'm fine, I think" I managed to mumble.

"What the hell happened?" Brad questioned sounding panicked.  The I saw a hand in front of me. I just stared at it.

"You going to let me help you up or what?" James said laughing

"Oh, yeah. Sorry" I said taking his hand. He pulled me up with no problem. He did it so swiftly that I nearly fell over again.

"Thank you" I said looking up at him

"No problem" he replied smiling looking down at me.

"Uh hmm" Brad faked coughed. "If you don't mind James, I asked Katie a question"

"I beg your pardon" James said with a smile wiped over his face

"Anyway" Brad continued "what happened?"

"I don't know" I began, feeling embarrassed looking down at the floor "I guess I got a little overwhelmed, and this is all just mind blowing. I can't believe I'm here. I never thought anything like this would ever happen"

"Neither can I" Alex added "This is all so crazy" she said walking to my side linking her arm in mine. I looked over at her and smiled.

"Are you sure your okay Katie?" Tris said.

"Yeah, I'm fine now thanks"

"You sure? Do you want some water or something?" He asked

"I'm sure, slightly embarrassed though. Laying on the floor isn't a good luck" I smiled nervously "And water would be nice thanks"

"Sure thing, and don't worry about it, you didn't look stupid or anything, you just looked like someone who fainted " Tris said smiling at me then began to walk away, the boys following him, James looking back at me smiling.

"I'm going to be in the car outside reading, just come outside when you and the boys are ready to go somewhere" Jeremy said turning round walking out the door. I looked at Alex.

"Where should we go?" Alex asked in almost a whisper.

"We were ment to follow the boys" I said turning round seeing that the boys were out of sight.

"Crap, what do we do know" I asked raising my eyebrows

"I'm not sure"

"You girls coming?" Brad said popping his head from round a corner making us jump.

"Oh yeah, sorry we didn't see which way you went"

"It's alright, come on then" he said grinning


After about a minute we reached a small room which looked like a sort of kitchen.

"Here you go" James said handing me a glass of water.


"No problem." He said smiling at me and looking me straight in the eye. It felt like he was staring straight into my soul. "anyway" he began again. "First of all we thought we'd play you a few songs."

"Oh my days" Alex said in shock looking at me in disbelief. "That will be amazing" she continued "thank you"

The boys smiled at her.

"Buttttt" Brad said dragging out the t "were gonna ask you your five favourite songs by us, and we'll preform them

I smiled so much my cheeks hurts "that'll be amazing! Thank you so much!"

"No problem, it'll be a pleasure performing to two of the nicest people I've ever met" Brad said grinning cheekily at us.

"Awww" me and Alex said at the same time.

"And and and" Tris butted in "then we're going to take you outlet for lunch"

"Yep, your choice" Connor smiled at us. "So where do you want to go?"

"Nandos!" Me and Alex said at the same time nearly shouting. I turned and looked at her, she turned and looked at me. Then we started howling with laughter.

Hi guys, hope your enjoying the story so far. I'm enjoying writing it :) next chapter will be the performances and nandos, yayyy :)

Wake up your sleeping heart // Was known as 'Shout about it'Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora