Chapter 18 - My home

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Sorry i haven't updated in a while I've been busy with work and I went on holiday for a couple of weeks. I also kinda forgot about it cause it's been so long. I promise I'll update more from now on.
I walked down the road on the way back from town. I shoved my hands in my fur lined winter coat. Although it was only just getting cold, I easily felt the cold so often wore my winter coat. A harsh wind swept past causing me to take a sharp breathe. I turned the corner to the sound of fire engines. I looked up to see smoke pouring our if my apartment block. My eyes widened and I picked up my pace. I barged through the crowd that were gathered around, police making sure they didn't get too close.
"Ma'am" a deep voice bellowed be for a hand landed on my shoulder stopping me from walking any closer. "You can't get any closer." I turned around to see that it was a policeman in his 30's talking to me.
"This is my apartment block sir" I said, panic obvious in my voice.
"Oh I see" he replied
"What's happened?" I asked frantic.
"There was a fault with the electrics in apartment 2b. The whole apartment burst into flames. The damage is terrible, the guys say they don't think anything hasn't been burnt" I felt my eyes widen amd the blood rush to my cheeks.
"2b?" I asked nearly shouting.
"Yes. Do you know the person who lives there. The landlord says it's a young women called Katie."
"That's me" I answered my voice cracking slightly. "That's my apartment"
"Oh lord" the police man said. Both his hands were back at his sides now. "You'll need to get in touch with your insurance company and things" I simply nodded I'm response, froze woth shock. Everything I owned had just disappeared, just like that. Apart from the clothes i was wearing and the things in my hand bag.
"Come on miss, I think your going into shock, there's a ambulance a few meters away. I'm going to help you over and get you checked out." The police man said when he spoke again. I simply nodded again.


After I had been checked out and my insurance company had been called, my phone rang. I answered wish t looking at the called ID.
"Hello" I said, still shuck up. That noticeable in my voice.
"Oh my god Katie. One of my friends saw your black of flats was on fire and it's on Facebook,  I saw it was your flat. Are you okay?!" It was Ellie, one of my closest friends since Year 7. She comes down to visit me at least once a month, she was due to come and stay over next weekend.
"Everything  on Facebook" i tried to say in a joking tone but it came out rather blunt.
"Yeah it was on one of them new things"
"Forever been good at describing yiu have" just talking to someone I've known for so long almost made me forget the destruction my home had just suffered.
"Well gonna go, I'm sure you have a lot of things to do right now. If you need me to do anything then just ring"
"Thank you" I replied "Will do, speak to you soon"


"Are you okay?" Sophie asked me as she pulled up outside of my now ruined flat.
"I am now, I was a bit shaken when I first saw it " I replied, climbing into the passenger seat.
"Well your welcome to stay with me as long as you want" she said as she pulled into the road. I was about to answer when my phone began to ring it was Brad.
"Hello?" I answered
"Thank god you're okay" he answered.
"How did you find out?"
"You were tagged on a post about it on Facebook by that news page"
"Was I?" I asked
"Yeah I think, or you were mentioned in the report as one of the resistance or something"

"Oh right okay"

"If you need me to do anything or help out in some way you know how to contact me"

"Thank you Brad. I appreciate it a lot"

"You're welcome" he said sounding like he was smiling

"You should probably ring James, he's been worrying like hell. He wouldn't calm down until I rang you and he knew you were safe. He's sat looking out of the window looking concerned. I've not seen him this out of it for a while "

"Why didn't he ring me instead of you then" I said felling slightly irritated

"He felt like he couldn't, I don't know why. You'll have to ask him when you ring him"

"Brad I'm not going to ring him" irritation harsh in my voice.

"Yes you will. Byeeeee"

"Brad no" I said before realising I was speaking into a dead end. I rolled my eyes in annoyance. I drummed my fingers across the dash board wondering whether I should ring James or not.

"Stop it!" Sophie snapped, making me jump slightly

"Stop what?" I asked surprised

"That" she gestured towards my fingers "You know I hate that"

"Oh yeah sorry" I replied, placing my hands on my lap "I don't get why though"

"It just goes straight through me. It's so irritating" I smiled and looked out of the window. "Ring him"

"What?" I said my eyes widening slightly

"I could hear your conversation you know, you're hearing is terrible, you always have it on full volume" I laughed in response. I decided there and then that I'd ring him. I pressed his number and listened to the ringing for a couple of seconds before I heard his voice.

"Hello" he said rather calmly, making me think Brad was exaggerating on James' state.

"Hi it's Katie, Brad told me that I should get in touch with you"

"Oh right. I heard what happened, i'm glad you're okay." I smiled before replying

"Yes i'm fine thanks. Just trying to sort stuff out"

"I'd love to talk Katie but I really need to go. I'll text you in a bit. I'm so glad you're okay! We'll have to arrange to get together at some point."

"That'd be nice. And thank you." I smiled.

"Bye Titch"

"I forgot about that actually" I laughed slightly

"Ruuuude" he exaggerated before laughing

"Bye lanky" I replied


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