Chapter 10 - Beach walk with James

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Before I start just gonna say that the picture above is sunny but in the chapter it's ment to be cold, so just imagine it's not as sunny, aha. P.s thank you so much for reading.

"I'm so full" I groaned leaning back in my chair putting my hands on my stomach.

"You looked pregnant doing that" Alex laughed.

"Aw I love you too bae" I smirked at her.

"You guys are friendship goals" James laughed

"We have another one" I smiled at her.

"YASS" she said in a deep voice.

"What are you on about? James said looking confused and kind of scared.

"Me and Alex have followers" I smiled, hearing Alex laugh slightly.

"What do you mean followers? Like followers on instagram?"

"No ,no" I laughed "people ship me and Alex, we are everyone's friendship goals. We call them our followers" I laughed

"I know it sounds ridiculous, and you probably think we're crazy" Alex laughed awkwardly "but that's us" she added.

"It does sound ridiculous, but I don't think you two are crazy." He smiled at us.

"So what time do you have to be back?" I asked James sipping my cup of tea.

"Don't have to be back till 4"

"Cool. So you going to stay till 4?" I asked

"If you want me to." He smiled

"Katie, we're going back at 12" Alex said.

"We can always get the later train" I answered " when we booked you could get the one at 12 or the one at 3"

"Oh yeah, cool. No problem then" she smiled, pouring herself another cup of tea from the pot.

"So. Are we going to spend the day together?" James asked almost looking embarrassed to ask.

"Ye, why not" I smiled. He looked at me surprised and grinned.

"So what we gonna do now?" Alex asked as she stood up and put her coat on.

"How about we walk on the beach, and then go to the pier" I suggested.

"Ye sure let's go" James smiled. I smiled back, I turned around and walked to the door linking arms with Alex.

"Katie" James said from behind me, i turned to see he was holding my bag "you forgot your bag" he smiled "I think I need to be with you all the time" he smiled. I looked at him shocked, my mouth slightly open, I turned to Alex who raised her eyebrows and laughed at me slightly.

"I ment to pick up your bag after you!" He said panicked "I didn't mean. You know. I just ment your bag." I laughed awkwardly

"Oh right. Thank you anyway" I said taking my bag from him

"No problem" he said, looking embarrassed then looking down at the floor.

"Well let's go then" Alex said, linking her arm in mine and pulling me out the door.


We were walking down the beach, me and Alex taking pictures.

"I'm gonna go and get a picture of them beach huts over their" Alex said

"Okay" I said, concentrating on taking a picture of the waves crashing against the beach.

"It's really nice here" James said, I turned around and saw him standing staring at me, his hands in his pockets.

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