Chapter 9 - Awkward moments

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"Katie wake up now!"

"Ughhh" I groaned turning in my bed trying to block out Alex's voice shouting at me.

"Katie, don't ignore me. I know your up" she laughed trying to pull the duvet off of me.

"But I don't want tooo" I groaned pulling the duvet over my head.

"Don't you remember what's happening this morning?" She asked sitting on her bed opposite me.

"What?" I asked confused "what's happening this morning?" I questioned pushing myself up so I could see Alex, who was already dressed and had done her hair and make up. "Why are you dressed already?" I was really confused.

"Because we need to meet James in 15 minutes"

"SHIT!" I shouted, jumping out of bed and running to the en-suite.


"You ready?" Alex shouted through the door of the en-suite

"Yep" I said opening the door, pulling a brush through my hair.

"Aw Katie, you look adorable"

"Thank you" I smiled at her. I was wearing black skinny ripped jeans and a large dark green baggy jumper with my black doc martins.

"Okay, let's go get that bag of your my friend" Alex said in a posh accent making me laugh at her.


We were walking down the beach towards the cafe where me and Alex had the nutella pancakes. I had texted James last night and told him that we should meet there at 10, for breakfast.

We got to the little cafe near the beach at exactly 10. I walked over to the counter and ordered a pot of tea for two, for me and Alex. Then I heard a voice behind me, scaring me.

"Exactly on time I see" I spun around surprised.

"Oh it's you" I said seeing it was James.

"What a lovely welcome" he smiled at me

"Sorry" I said awkwardly

"Don't be silly" he smiled. "Hi anyway" he grinned, stepping towards me putting his arms out gesturing for a hug. I stepped towards him and felt his arms wrap around me. He smelt like lynx deodorant and coffee.

"Here you go" the lady behind the counter said, placing the pot of tea and mugs on a try. Trying to pull away from James's hug.

"James let go, I need to get the tea."

"What?" He mumbled, still hugging me.

"Let go I need to get the tea" I laughed, lightly pushing him away.

"Oh right, sorry" he said looking embarrassed. "I'll go sit with Alex" he said turning around and walking towards where Alex was sat. I picked up the tray and thanked the lady, I walked over to the table that Alex had chosen. It was the one that we had Sat at the first time we came here.

"So how are you?" Alex asked James as I placed the tray one the table. And Sat next to Alex leaving a seat next to James.

"I'm good thank" he smiled "and that was quite rude" he grinned looking at the empty seat next to him. I looked at him confused

"You didn't sit next to me" he smiled.

"Oh, sorry." I said kind of panicked, picking up my coat and sitting next to him.

"I was only joking" he laughed turning his head and looking at me. I felt my cheeks begin to warm. Why do I always act so stupid in front of him. Ughh brain, work!

"At least my bag has a seat now" Alex laughed, picking up her handbag and putting it on the now empty seat next to her.

"Speaking of bags" James started "here you go." He handed me my bag.

"Thank you" I said in a near whisper, opening my bag to see if everything was there.

"Thank god my camera's still there." I sighed a sigh of relief, picking it up and pressing the on button so it made a firm clicking sound.

"Hey take a picture of me" James laughed pouting at the camera. I laughed at him and took the picture.

"Let me see" he said leaning in close to me. I clicked a few buttons on the screen till the picture came up. He peered over my shoulder, his chin nearly resting on my shoulder.

"I can't see" he whined like a little boy who was too short to see something.

"Sorry" I laughed lightly at him, turning the camera more towards him.

"Stop shaking" he laughed

"I can't, it's natural"

"Fine then, if you can't steady, I will" he smirked at me. He put his hand over mine to steady the screen. My heart raced at the contact of our skin.

"That's such an amazing picture of me" he said sarcastically, looking up at me. Our faces only inches away. I tried to speak but nothing came out. He sat and smiled at me, slowly letting go of my camera. My fingers weren't working, my camera fell from my hands.

"No!" I yelled, but before it hit the floor James grabbed it.

"Katie" Alex laughed "you're even more clumsy than me, I didn't even know it was possible"

"What would you do without me ay?" James said, handing me my camera. I placed it on the table before my hands gave up again.

""I don't know" I replied to James question. Then I realized what I said. I just said that I don't know what I'd do without him. Why does my brain not work, uh huh! I think he noticed because he looked down at his hands pretty quick.

"Excuse me?" A voice said, I looked up to see someone stood behind Alex looking at James. Alex looked petrified at the voice behind her, she span around quickly.

"I'm Georgia" she smiled at James "I'm a huge fan, and I was wondering if I could get a picture with you"

"Ye sure" he smiled. "If that's okay with you two?" He asked looking at Alex then me.

"Of course" I smiled at him, moving out of the way so he could get out of his chair.

"No it's fine" she said to me "you can be in the picture as well" she grinned, I looked at Alex, who raised her eyebrows. Looking equally as confused a me.

"Are you sure?" I said "I'm not famous"

"It's fine. I'd love to have a picture with James and his girlfriend" she smiled getting her phone out of her bag. I looked at Alex, my eyes wide. She sat there her mouth open, I turned and looked at James. He looked at me shocked.

"Oh, no. We're not in a relationship" James said looking from me to Georgia.

"Oh! Oh right, I'm so sorry!" She said, looking flustered "you just the way James looked at you, you just looked like a couple. You were just sat really close."

"It's fine, we're just friends" I said awkwardly, I looked at James to back me up.

"Ye, Ye. We're just friends" he added rubbing the back of his neck nervously. The girl took the photo and left. We sat back down at the table, not saying anything, just sat there in awkward silence.

"You two would make a cute couple though" Alex said.

"Alex! Shut up!" I shouted, giving her 'the look'. I looked at James embarrassed, he looked at me and smiled awkwardly.

"I was just joking with you, calm down" Alex laughed.

"Can I take your order?" The waitress said smiling

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