Chapter 16 - Concerts and Drunken moments

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We pulled up in nearly empty car park. Only a couple of security guards were there and a couple of fans that had got there early in hope of meeting the boys. We walked over to one of the security guards and showed them out VIP passes that stated we were friends of the band.

"Oh hello" the overly friendly guard said "You must be Katie and Alex" we looked over at each other raising our eyebrows in surprise

"Yes" I said pulling a small smile "how do you know our names?"

"Oh yes, that must of come over a bit odd. But Mr.McVey has been asking for a bit now if you've arrived and told me to send two girls called katie and Alex straight backstage when they arrived." I looked at Alex and sniggered at how that sounded wrong. She bit her lip trying not to laugh and and poked her tongue into her cheek.

"Okay ladies follow me" the guard said walking toward a flight of concrete steps, swinging his arms as he did so, making a scratchy sound from his thick safety jacket. After what seemed like forever we finally reached a door that said "the vamps" the guard knocked once then opened the door introducing us as he did so "Katie and Alex are here." He gestured us to go inside with his hand. I stepped through the doorway and looked up. James was stood right in front of me, his hair messy and he had a massive grin on his face.

"Thank you Al" he smiled at the guard before Al turned and left, closing the door behind him. I grinned back at James before he grabbed me roughly and pulled me into an embrace, squeezing me so hard I almost couldn't breath.

"Okay, okay" I laughed "not so tight."

"Sorry" he laughed awkwardly, releasing me from the hug. Then hugging Alex.

"Did you guys have a good journey?" Con asked, standing up from a beanbag in the corner and walking over, hugging us when he reached us.

"Yes. It was okay thanks" Alex smiled. I nodded in agreement, then looked at James who was so grinning at me. I raised my eyebrows at him questioningly, he smirked and looked at the floor quickly.

"Happy late birthday mrs" I heard Brad say behind me. I turned around to see him stood there with a cupcake in him hand. The cupcake was chocolate and it had a candle stuck in the top. He lit it and handed it to me, everyone sang happy birthday to me and cheered . I felt my cheeks slowly turning a deep shade of red before I blew out the candle.

"Thank you" I smiled awkwardly before I put down the cupcake on Tris's dressing table. I looked at Brad, he opened his arms, beckoning me into a hug. I smiled at him before I went into his embrace, he wrapped his arms around me and squeezed me tight, rocking me slightly. I looked at James, still in Brad's embrace, his eyebrows were furrowed in the middle and it looked like he was scowling at me. Brad released me and gave me a wide grin before hugging Alex. I took a step towards James.

"What?" I asked pulling a small smile.

"Nothing" he smiled back and then looked at the floor, running a hand through his hair.

"No tell me"

"Brad liked that hug" he smirked.

"Shut up!" I said in a higher pitched voice than normal, hitting him gently on the fore arm.

"Ouchhh" he laughed, giving me a light push. I smiled at him, he smiled back and put an arm around my shoulders.

"Come on then guys" he shouted to the whole room. "We need to go and join Tris and start the meet and greet" he pulled his arm from around my shoulder, grinned and started walking towards the door. I looked at Alex who raised her eyebrows at me grinning.

"Don't" I laughed at her. Before we linked arms and followed the boys. We entered to the sound of screaming fans. I looked at Alex who raised her eyebrows and said "bloody hell they're loud." I smiled at her then I heard someone shouting my name. I looked over towards where the sound was coming from. A couple of fans were waving at me and Alex. I looked at Alex confused.

Wake up your sleeping heart // Was known as 'Shout about it'Where stories live. Discover now