Chapter 6 - The concert

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"JEREMY!" Connor shouted extremely loud making me jump.

"Yes Mr. Ball" Jeremy replied

"Jeremy, I've told you. Call me Connor"

"Okay Connor why'd you call?"

"Do you think you could call Joe and tell him that Katie and Alex are coming to the concert tonight? And we'll talk to him after the concert."

"Certainly" Jeremy nodded his head and turned to leave.


"Katieeee!" I heard James call from the other side of the massive warehouse.

"Yesieeee!" I called back not bothering to look up from my phone

"Do you want me to order pizza after the concert for you and Alex?" He questioned walking over to me, sitting on the floor opposite me smiling at me looking me directly in the eye.

"Hold on I'll ask" I said walking away towards the toilets. As I got there Alex came out of the door

"Holaa" she smiled at me

"Heyyy" I replied "James wants to know if we want pizza after the concert." Alex looked at me funny the gave me ' the look' and smiled. I knew exactly what she was thinking. I grabbed her and and we ran back into the stage room.

"WE WANT NANDOS TAKEAWAY!" We shouted breathlessly at James

"What?" He asked panicked a confused look smeared over his face.

"After the concert, we don't want pizza. We want Nandos" I said, I swear you could here me grinning as I said it.

"Ohhhh. I should have known" he said smiling, getting up off the floor.

"Two Nandos in one day?"  Brad raised his eyebrows

"I'm definitely up for it" Connor smiled

"Your still hungry?" I replied shocked "Even after you finished off mine as well?"

"There's always enough room for Nandos" Connor grinned




Oh my god. This place is insanely loud, all I could hear was girls screaming around me. We arrived at the concert about 10 minutes ago, Jeremy had driven us and the boys had gone backstage to get ready.

"This is crazy" Alex said with a raised voice leaning towards me.

"I know, I can't believe were here."

"Oh my god I know, and on the front row"


"IT'S JUST ANY REASON I GET TO GET CLOSER TO YOU, I WANNA SHOUT ABOUT IT, OH, I WANNA SHOUT ABOUT IT." The whole stadium was shouting. My head was killing me, my throat was burning, but this was amazing! I had shouted the lyrics to all my favourite songs. I tried shouting every lyric to every song but my throat couldn't handle it, God knows how Brad copes.

James came over from the left side of the stage and stood in front of us. After the song had finished James spoke.

"Hey guys" he almost sang in a raised voice. The whole stadium screamed making me jump before I joined in with the screaming.

"Are you enjoying the show so far?" He questioned. Screams filled the air.

"Aw. Glad your enjoying the show." James cheered "now we have some very important guests here tonight" he said looking directly at me. "And I know they love our song can we dance. And we love them so we're gonna play it right now" whilst he was saying this his eyes never left mine.

"I LOVE YOU!" I shouted jokingly. James laughed and winked at me. I looked around and a few people were staring at me. Alex burst into laughter as the boys started playing Can we dance.




The concert had ended and it as was amazing. I think it was literally the best moment of my life. Being with one of my best friends and watching our favourite band.

"That was amazing!" Alex called. I looked up from the floor and saw the the boys were walking towards us. We had gone back stage and were waiting for the boys to tidy themselves up.

"Thank you" Brad said grinning his little face off. He was adorable I just want to eat him. Well not literally but you know what I mean.

"I loved your little ' I love you ' in the middle of the performance" Tris winked at me. I smiled weakly looking down at the floor, feeling myself blush.

"Tris, look what you've done" James smiled playfully

"What? What have I done now?" He grinned tipping his head back slightly.

"You've made Katie embarrassed" James continued "don't do that to poor little Katie" James said walking over to me and hugging me. His arms wrapped loosely around me. I could feel my face heating up rapidly. I heard Con wolf whistle in the back ground. James let go and we slowly stepped back. I looked at him, he looked at me and smiled quickly before looking down at the floor

"Well who's made it awkward now then James" Tris jeered jokingly. James's cheeks went a light shade of pink before he shoved him lightly.

"Who's ready for Nandos takeawayyyyy?" Asked Con

"Typical of you to think of your stomach"

"Shut up Braddd"

Wake up your sleeping heart // Was known as 'Shout about it'Where stories live. Discover now