Chapter 14 - Birthday girl

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Before I start I just want to say thanks to everyone that has read this, it means a lot. And the Twitter name that I mention in this chapter isn't my actual Twitter name and I apologize if this is you're Twitter name.

It was the morning after James had drove us back. We had talked and sung along to songs on the drive back home. When we got back it was so late everyone slept at mine. I lived in a small apartment next door to a bakery.

James slept on the sofa in the living room, Alex me and Sophie slept in my double bed. I don't know how 3 of us managed to fit in the bed seeing as sometimes I think it's too small just for me.

We had all eaten and dressed and were all sat round the small dining table in the kitchen area.

"Well I'm off, got to be back for the concert tonight" James said standing up from the table.

"Okay" I smiled. The rest of us getting up and walking to the front door with him.

"Bye then he smiled" first hugging Alex then Sophie.

"Nice to meet you" he smiled at Sophie.

"You too" She smiled back. James turned to me and smiled, holding out his arms and taking me into an embrace.

"I'll text you" he said, me still in his embrace.

"And if Adam upsets you again. Ring me and I'll set him straight" he laughed lightly.

I laughed stubtley and pulled out of his embrace, but still standing close to him.

"Thank you" I smiled "your welcome to come again if you need anywhere to stay and your near by"

"Thanks" he stuffed his hands in his pockets and pulled a won't smiled, showing his teeth.

"See you then" he said hugging me quickly again. Then turning to the door and opening it.

"Bye" the three of us shouted after him.

"Byeee" he shouted back, smiling and waving.


"Oh my god!" Alex shouted. She was Sat on the sofa next to me and Sophie was Sat on the floor facing us.

"What?" I shouted back.

"I just remembered its your birthday tomorrow." I laughed at her quietly.

"Well done" I smiled

"Soooo what are we gonna do" she smiled.

"I don't know" I said, putting my phone down on the arm of the sofa and looking up at Alex and then at Sophie.

"We could go shopping. Like a birthday shopping spree" Alex smiled.

"Sounds good"

"Ye, sounds good" Sophie agreed nodding.


We were sat on a small round table near the window of Costa. I was sipping coffee and uploading a picture of us all in Costa captioned 'birthday shopping with faves.'

"Aw" Sophie cooed. "That picture of us is adorable"

"Which one?" Alex questioned looking puzzled.

"Check Twitter"

"Oh that one. It's adorable" she said grinning down at her phone.

"Thanks for the little spree" I smiled at them.

"No problem" Soph said "anything for my main biatch." We all grinned at each other looking like maniacs. My phone vibrated making me jump slightly, I looked down out my phone and clicked on the Twitter notification which was from Brad;

' Oh what? It's your birthday '

Wait what? I didn't even realize Brad was following my, never mind him mentioning me in a tweet. I typed back a reply as quickly as I could.

'No :) it's tomorrow. Just a free birthday celebration'

I got a sudden rush of notifications again. I clicked on my notifications and it was a load of people following me again.

"Why the hell do you keep getting tweeted by the guys and I dont" Alex poured slightly.

"They just love me a lot more" I teased, poking her in the rib cage.

"Bloody hell Katie. How many followers"

"I am now a Twitter God" I laughed.


"Byeeeeeee!" Me and Sophie yelled at Alex as she drove away.

"What shall we do now Katarina?"

"I don't know Sofarina" I grinned. "Shall we get a takeaway" I added as we walked back into my apartment.

"Yepp" she said popping the P.

"Chinese?" I asked looking at her smirking

"Hell Ye!"


"I'm so full" I groaned leaning back

"Same." Sophie said standing up and getting us some drinks. I took the top off my pear cider and clinked it against hers.

"Cheers" I smiled.

"Cheers. Happy birthday biatch"

"It's not my birthday"

"Yes it is. Look at the time." I looked at the clock it read 12:17 am

"Oh. Thank you then" I grinned. We drank our coders and that's the last thing I remember before morning.

Wake up your sleeping heart // Was known as 'Shout about it'Where stories live. Discover now