Chapter 15 - Birthday surprises

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"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Sophie shouted at me. Causing me to jolt up right.

"Oh my god Sophie!" I shouted, my voice cracking slightly due to waking up suddenly.

"I bought cake so it's all good" she grinned shoving a slice of chocolate cake on my knee. I was still on the sofa where I fell asleep last night, still fully dressed.

"Thank you" I smiled. Sleepily sitting up straight. "Ugh. I hate falling asleep in my clothes" I groaned.

"Same" Sophie said taking a massive bite of the chocolate cake.

My phone buzzed from the coffee table. I put down my fork and picked up my phone putting it to my ear without looking at the caller ID.

"Hellooo?" I almost sang down the phone.

"Happy birthday bag forgetter!" Said someone that I thought was James.


"Who else would call you bag forgetter" I could almost hear him smirk down the phone.

"Shut up. Lanky"

"Lanky?" He chuckled

"Ye cause you're tall and Lanky" I smiled

"Oh fine ,I'll call you titch then"

"Why titch?"

"Cause your smaller than me"

"Doesn't mean im small"

"You're still smaller than me" He laughed

"I give up" I laughed back at him. "How'd you know it was my birthday anyway?" I asked. Standing up and walking to the small balcony which was just outside of the living room.

"Saw your post on twitter"

"Oh. Thank you"

"No problem. Watch the post as well"


"Cause we've sent you something" He chuckled


"Yes titch we've. As in us guys"

"Seriously?" I question. Sitting on one of the small chairs on the balcony.

"Yeah" he laughed slightly, making me grin. "But I don't know if it'll come today or tomorrow cause we only posted it yesterday.

"Thank you so much" I smiled, forgetting he couldn't see me.

"No problem" he replied

"Well I'd better go"

"Oh. Right. Okay.' He said sounding a bit surprised.

"It's just that Sophie still her and I don't want to be out here for to long"

"Oh right. And out where?"

"Oh, I'm stood on the balcony"

"Your place has a balcony?" He said sounding confused

"Yeah" I chuckled. "Didnt you see the doors when you were here. It's just off from the living room"

"Seriously? I must be blind" he laughed. I laughed with him for a moment.

"Okay. I need to go, I'll call you when the something arrives"

"Okay. It's not very big. It's just in an envelope but I hope you like it.

"I'm sure I will. Byee"

"Byeeee" he replied before hanging up. I looked down at my phone and smiled before opening the glass doors and heading back Inside the apartment. A couple of minutes later my phone vibrated with a Twitter notification, I clicked on it. It was a picture of James grinning with his thumb up, it was captioned
"I can't wait for the concert tonight & everyone go wish Katie a very happy birthday :) :*"

Again like last time he tweeted mentioning me, everyone is commenting asking if we're going out.



"Katie"sophie shouted from the living room "I need to go" she said, as I heard the post came through

"Okay" I smiled walking in from the kitchen, carrying a cup of tea. I put it down on the coffee table and hugged her before she picked up her bag and opened the door to leave.

"I'll see you later" she grinned

"Okay. I'll text you later"

"Kk. Byeee" she shouted walking down the corridor. I waved at her before shutting the door and picking up the post. Most of them we're junk but a few looked like birthday cards. A couple were from my family and a few were from old friends from school. I opened the last one which was a big Brown envelop. I went and sat on the sofa emptying the contents of the envelope on the coffee table. There were two VIP passes and a smaller envelope. I opened up the smaller envelope. On the front of the card was a picture of me and all the boys from the first time I met them, I looked like such a mess on it, there was smudged make up down my face from shaking and my face is red from embarrassment of fainting. I laughed at how ridiculous I looked and opened the card. It was written in a black pen that had smudged slightly, I recognised it as James's hand writing from the autograph I got. It read-
Happy birthday Katie!
Look how adorable you look ;) :p
Hope you like the VIP passes. I thought you and Alex could come again. The concert is in two days (I posted this on a Monday so it's a Wednesday haha)
I know your birthday is tomorrow so I hope this arrives in time.
Love James, Connor, Tris and Brad. Xx
P.s James wrote this but I agree :p
Love brad x

I can't believe that a couple of days ago I didn't know them and now friends with them, especially James. I grabbed out my phone and called him.

"Hey titch." He said, he answered the phone almost immediately.

"I just got the parcel. Thank you so much for the passes. Ill ask Alex if she can come with me"

"So you can come then? I know it's just a day after your birthday but that's the only concert that is close to you"

"Ye I can come I have no plans. I'm pretty sure Alex will come as well. Thank you for getting it at an arena that's really close." I grinned.

"No problem. I've said that quite a lot recently" he laughed in a deep tone, which made me get goose bumps. "Did you know your in the wow pit as well?"

"Oh my god, what?" My heart beat quickened slightly. He laughed at my reaction then sighed.

"Wait. What's wrong?" I asked, noticing his sudden change in mood.

"It doesn't matter" he said sighing again "anyway, I'll see you tomorrow, I need to go. We're about to go on stage. Get here early so then you can come backstage before the show."

"Okay, have a good show and if your not okay tell me, or ring me later. I'll try cheer you up" I laughed awkwardly.

"Thank you titch" he laughed "and It really doesn't matter I'm fine. But I promise ill ring you if I'm not. Bye you little lovely un' " my heart pounded against my rib cage.

"Good bye lanky. See you tomorrow" I grinned down the phone.

"Byeeeeeee" he said so loud that I had to pull it away from my ear slightly, so I wouldn't deafern myself.

"God James. Stop shouting"

"Sorry" he laughed.

"I'll let you go and have fun now"

"But I am having fun now" I could tell he was smirking

"Goodbye James" I smiled

"Goodbye Katie" he laughed before I hung up. I laid down on the sofa and put my phone on my stomachs. Closing my eyes and running my fingers through my hair. I was grinning much my cheeks hurt. Why after every conversation with James did I feel so happy that I went almost giddy. He just made me a generally happier person. Tomorrow night was going to be amazing.

Wake up your sleeping heart // Was known as 'Shout about it'Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora