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Hayley POV:

       It's been three years since the end of the world happened. Also three years since I saw my babygirl. After we watched the news about Hope's escape, Klaus,Kol,Elijah,Rebekah,Marcel, and I went down to Denver to try and find them.

    Freya,Davina, and Keelin stayed at the school trying to find a way to find her. I heard that even Bonnie Bennet tried helping them. But no matter what they did Freya couldn't get a vision of Hope.

     When we got to Denver we all split into pairs. Klaus and me all because Kol didn't want to go with him and Klaus didn't want to listen to Kol complain. So I went with Klaus and Elijah went with Kol.

    Rebekah and Marcel went together. We compelled the police to show us the street cameras and we found the car they used in an abandoned building burned.

    We found their scent but that didn't do us any good because it ended on the street. The road led out of the city. So we knew they left the city.  So we split up and asked 'more like compelled' gas stations if we can see their cameras.

    Two cars Rebekah, Marcel, and Kol in one and Klaus,Elijah, and I in the other. We slowly started losing hope when all the gas stations we looked at didn't show them.

    By luck Rebekah called from a gas station in Buford saying they caught them on camera. Klaus  drove like a mad man to Buford, by the time we got there it was night.

    The owner showed us the video. An African American man,Hope, and the little girl Angie walked in and grabbed a bunch of snacks,beverages and packs of smokes.

    They payed for everything while talking to the owner. Klaus compelled him to tell us what they said.

    "They were nice folks. The man was the girls uncle and they are on a family trip from Iowa to see the Grand Canyon. Then they paid for their stuff and gas then left," he said.

   After that Klaus compelled him to forget he ever saw us and them to protect Hope from Umbrella. We also took the tapes from that day and today with us.

    We spent about a week and a half searching Detroit and gas stations outside of Detroit. The other half we went more further from Buford searching everywhere.

But to no vail, we couldn't catch them or find them. Freya had called saying they may have found a way to see if Hope is okay and find Caroline but they need Klaus and I's blood.

So we all went back to the school. When we got to Mystic Falls it already had gotten dark. After parking the cars we sped into the school going straight to the library where the others are.

I let Klaus go first to find Caroline because I know the twins were eagerly waiting. Freya started chanting and I guess broke whatever spell the people who had her did.

Then she got some of Klaus's blood along with the twins and did another spell. "Okay everybody hold hands." The twins eagerly grabbed Freya's hands and everybody did the same. She started chanting with Davina and Bonnie.

Caroline is in a weird looking pod standing with her eyes closed. She has four wires on her head and she's wearing pure white. That's not even the weird part. A big red metal looking spider is on her chest with a tube in her mouth feeding her, what I'm guessing is blood.

     The vision went black then we were back in the library. Everybody looked at the witches who rubbed their heads frustrated. "Who ever has her, upped their security. It must be a powerful witch or multiple of them."

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