Chapter Thirteen (Shortened)

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There are very few ways one can be shocked first thing in the morning. You tend to be fresh, accelerated, reset, you are in every way, at your peak. At least that is what Lisa thought. Groggy at half past seven, the photographer stretched her arms, allowing streams of morning light to hit them. She had her room perfectly designed so the sun would not hit her eyes.

Slipping out of bed, Lisa treated herself to a quick morning shower before dressing for Pilates. Yesterday had been harsh, dark, brooding. A handsome look on her, but today she wanted to be pretty in pink. Lisa's breakfast was clean and simple; a banana and some cereal. Carefree, she packed her small workout bag with a water bottle, towel and a chocolate bar in case she got hungry. After brushing her teeth, Lisa made her way back to the kitchen, not before catching herself in the mirror.

Why do I always look so good?

It sometimes felt like a crime. No man, woman or other deserved to be deprived of her. With a small smirk, Lisa swung her bag over her shoulder, making her way towards her exit. After the whirlwind of Jisoo's meeting, it truly felt like any other day.

Then she opened the door.

A messy haired eight year old barged passed her, sulking her way to the clean grey couch. For a moment, Lisa made no move, mouth open. What started as confusion, turned to panic, then back to confusion once more.

Finally finding her voice, Lisa called out, "Annie?" She began to walk over, closing the door as she went.

The little girl looked up, clearly annoyed, "I'm hungry."

"Oh," Quickly, Lisa fished her chocolate bar out of her bag, gifting it to the little girl.

Annie's eyes lit up, "Thanks!"

It was only as she was eating it did Lisa finally realise how unhealthy of a breakfast that was. Making her way to the kitchen, Lisa fetched a banana. She glanced at Annie over the counter, little legs swinging on the giant seat.

As she approached her, only one question was on her mind, "What are you doing here?"

"Mum and Mummy are still asleep," She said simply, "That means you have to look after me."

Shocked was an understatement as to how Lisa felt, "Do you have school?"

Annie shook her head, "It's Sunday."

"Thank God," Lisa sighed, sitting on the couch, "Why didn't you wake one of them up?"

"They looked happy," Annie shook her head, "Can I eat that?"

Understandably, a moment of confusion hit Lisa. The idea of the two mothers allowing themselves to be happy and breath the same air seemed highly unlikely. But Lisa was not going to complain about that. In that moment, Annie's health was a much more pressing issue.

"Sure," Disinterested, Lisa handed over the fruit, "You know, I have stuff to do today."

"I know," Annie grew a little awkward, "I just- I thought I was supposed to go to you."

"Oh," Realising Annie thought she was in trouble, Lisa gave her a little pat on the head, "I don't see why you can't tag along."

The little girl smiled, "Really?"

Lisa stood, "Of course, kid. We'll get you dressed to look nearly as good as me, then we'll be on our way."

Annie took a bite of her fruit, "You're not that good looking."


Hello all.

I just wanted to apologise for not updating for a while, and how short this chapter is. It was supposed to include two scenes, the one you read and a more serious one about the actual fantasy you are here for. But, due to personal issues I am only able to deliver one a full week late.

I am not sure when I will be well enough to post on such a regular schedule again, but at least for now things may be quite staggered. Naturally, I love this story and will do what I can to work on and complete it.

Thank you for your patience,
The Author

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