Chapter twenty three

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The next morning, both Jisoo and Jennie had the day off. Rosie did not want Jennie working too many days in a row, lest her stomach's rage would grow supreme. Of her on volition, Jisoo had slept on the couch in the living room, having woken up and showered before either Jennie or Annie rose. Breakfast, being made by Jisoo, had been a simple affair of cereal and toast, Annie being forced to eat some apple slices on the side. Though she was still uneasy, Jennie could tell, that at least for now, Jisoo would not continue their confrontation. All was calm in their sanctuary.

With blue sky and warm air, the couple had decided to walk Annie to school together, holding one little hand each. Jisoo had not even thought to wear a mask, too enthralled in the moment. Jennie on the other hand was acutely aware of some unwanted attention, but no one reached for their phones as far as she could tell. Sometimes, Jennie truly hated the public's insistence on not leaving a celebrity alone, even when it involved children.

Children called as Annie approached the gate, and she was quick to respond with her own screeching, hopping up and down. For the first time, Jennie noticed that other parents noted Jisoo strangely, and even shot Jennie questioning looks. This was politely ignored, Jennie hated being the topic of gossip. Still, she could tell they were talking, texting. Being, in some cases, ten years younger than the other mothers, Jennie had always felt out of the loop. She had little in common with unhappy house wives, or the over enthusiastic opposite. Today, the separation was felt more than ever. Some even moved back after noticing Jisoo's presence.

Quickly, Jennie gave her daughter a final pat on the head before releasing her into the concrete wilderness of school. After a moment of watching and being watched, Jennie waved and turned to leave, Jisoo following suit, seemingly unaware of the mine field they had just avoided.

"She's the leader of the pack," Jisoo praised their daughter, "They all fall in line for her."

"She gets it from her mother," Jennie quipped, still glancing.

"Me?" Jisoo smiled.


Noticing her odd mood, Jisoo gently took her arm, slowing Jennie down, "Is your stomach all right?"

You shouldn't be so ready to help me again, Jennie berated, neither of us should be.

"I'm fine," Jennie sighed, making sure they still kept some pace.

"Uh oh," Jisoo muttered.


"Never, in the history of humanity, has a woman actually been fine when she says she's fine," Jisoo declared.

"Jisoo!" Jennie lightly hit her arm, "How stereotypical of you."

"Perhaps," Jisoo's smile did not fade, "But you never are, darling. You act like a soldier in a cardigan."

So are you, in that black coat.

Jennie sighed again, "It's nothing really, Jisoo. I just got lost in my mind for a little moment."

"I love your mind," Jisoo supported, "Tell me, and I'll try to help."

Jisoo, kind Jisoo, was far too ready to set her own frustrations aside just to help another. Jennie felt her heartache, further regretting last night's choices.

For a moment, Jennie simply thought over her feelings, clicking her tongue in the hopes it would make her articulate her feelings, "People stare at you a lot..."

"I know," Jisoo squeezed Jennie's arm, "I'm famous."

"It's just... It makes them look at me too, and Annie," Jennie explained, "I want her to have a normal childhood, and I want absolutely nothing to do with the limelight either."

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